
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

another productive day - but I can't add

Here we go again.  Only two days of vacation left and then I assure you I will return to my usual snail's pace!  Are you getting sick of me yet?  :)

I got up early again and started sewing.  I needed 7 more wonky log cabins and had started them last night.  This morning I finished them.  My "design wall" isn't quite big enough for all of them in proper formation.

My calculations tell me I don't have enough dark blue for the background, so until I can purchase more and know it will all match, these are waiting.

Then I decided to lay out my wirlygig pinwheels.  I don't have enough off-white (again) to put them all together, but I did have enough for borders and some of the sashings.  They're in rows now, but here are the blocks on my "design wall."

(I can't believe two pictures and no helpers!)

With these sewn into rows, I was off to cutting new projects!

First was the wonky red stars with a grey background my right brain decided I had to do.  I found this print in the stash of kitty fat quarters my mom got me at a quilt show (fellow quilter was reducing stash!) and I decided to use it for the centers of the stars:

It is so precious, I don't even want to use it, but looking at it isn't going to do any good.  I've only cut 3 blocks just in case I really don't like them.

Then, because the hubby was again sleeping, I continued cutting and cut into some of the fabric Mary sent.  I cut two dolly quilts!  Both will be Double Irish Chains.

And I had bought a dolly for my March project, so I decided to do a Bento Box pattern using blue and white - my own stash this time.  I figured and cut for that.  (But since I can't seem to add, we'll see how that goes.)

I also cut binding for the red, white and black quilt.  I won't have that quilted for a while (probably), but I wanted to get the fabric sorted and stored, so I figured why not.  I'll sew and press that soon, too.

That's my ironing board under there.  I hope noone needs to dress up soon...

Then the mail FINALLY arrived and these goergous blocks came from Beth:

Purple!  I love the brights.  These are fabrics I would be drawn to, so I'm thrilled to have them in blocks!  Thanks so much Beth!

With my ironing board filled and cutting area looking like this:

(Small miracle here - you'd think that calculator would help, but no.)

It was time to head downstairs for Rachael, Ellen and Oprah, some kitty snuggle time and hand applique.  I finished the turquoise quilt!

It was warm enough to take this outside (note the sunshine washing out colors and features, but I don't care, it was warm enough to go outside!) so I did - no disgruntled hubby needed today.  Looks like we need to re-rake those leaves...  Some of you may remember I bought this fabric as a kit at a quilt shop I found unexpectedly this summer at an outlet mall while on vacation in Missouri.  No clue what to do with it now...

Are you all wearing green?  I'm making corned beef for dinner.  Potatoes instead of cabbage.  It's almost done and I'm ready - been smelling it for hours now!

Soon the hubby will be up to join me for dinner and then it's back to the machine.  I've got such a pile there, I can't wait!

Happy quilting,

P.S.  Theri - please don't mention tattooing to my hubby.  He's got one and thinks I need one, too.  Any excuse is a good excuse for him to try to talk me into it!  But my intense dislike of needles and an inability to decide what I want to look at on my body for the rest of my life keeps me ink-free.


  1. (What stopped me was the thought of what it would look like when I was 70.) Just a joke, Katie. The "S" stands for "Superwoman". Get much done? :) Theri

  2. Katie I want to come play at your house! First I love the wonky log cabins and now I'm set on making some of the whirlygigs. The kitty fabric is adorable. Oh and your turquoise quilt looks great. Happy St Patty's! :) Christine

  3. I love the log cabin blocks, they are great with the dark blues and the shock of lime green! Really nice contrast. The pinwheels turned out nice, too. I like all the diffrent colors and patterns in the fabrics. The turquois quilt is pretty, it must feel good that it is finished. It is very spring-y in the sunshine. You really did a lot of cutting, now it is ready to sew! Yea!

    I missed my corned beef and cabbage today. My husband is not a fan of corned beef. And, he has been sick for a few days, so we had left over tortolini for dinner. Enjoy your evening to sew!

  4. Glad you got your blocks. Had to use the purple. You really are very busy. I love your turquoise quilt.
    I wore green today. I did not celebrate today, I had to work. Last Saurday night I celebrated with my Dad and some cousins so I got to celebrate.
    Happy St. pat's Day!

  5. Girl, I can't believe all the progress you are making this week! Everything is looking so good! I haven't sewed a stitch! ---"Love"

  6. If quilting was an Olympic event Katie, you would win gold! You must be so pleased with all your efforts and your quilts are looking fabulous. I'm inpsired! Ann :-)
