
Saturday, June 4, 2011

the last book report!

Notice anything missing?


I made it through the whole stack!


In one more month, I'll have a chance to replenish the stash!

I mentioned yesterday that I'd started work on the June UFO - this month #8 was chosen, but that's what I had done last month instead of I switched again and am working on #7, which is the last 4 blocks of the Lavender Mist quilt!

3 pieced blocks, with most of the pieces already cut (I had to slice a few squares into triangles) and one applique, with no pieces cut yet.


Luka is helping model my favorite block in this bunch - I think I like it best because it's not so pink.

The applique isn't done, but I'm working on it.  :)

Another simpler month - eventually this is going to catch up to me, but for now I'm happy!

I hope you're all having a wonderful quilty weekend.  It's hot and humid here and the fishing this morning wasn't so good - it was windy out on the lake and the hubby had a hard time keeping the boat where he wanted it to be and the fish weren't biting anyways.  There's always tomorrow, right?

Happy quilting,


  1. Good on you for reaching your reading goal! You have to know that I LOVE the blocks in that picture! My colors!!! Your work is beautiful! ---"Love"

  2. Oh no! Now you will have to go to the library and get something to read until next month when you can restock.
    Your blocks are looking good. I look forward to seeing those blocks all together.

  3. So out of that initial stack of books, did you have any favourites? Nice job on the June UFO.

  4. There is always tomorrow. My husband and son are away on a golf trip and woke up this morning to snow. Tomorrow has to be better.

    I love your Lavender Mist quilt. What are your plans for it once it is finished?

    I have often thought it is a good thing that you are called Katie May, not Katie Might or (heaven forbid) Katie Won't.


  5. Congrats on finishing all your books! I can accommodate you if you want a few to tide you over till the sale! Love the blocks, especially the pink, LOL!


  6. Sounds like you are having a great weekend;) The blocks look wonderful, and the book stack (or lack of book stack) is amazing;) I like to read, but can't get that much done;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  7. Way to go, the space is ready for your next trip to the book sale! I love the blocks you are working on. The colors are just beautiful! I am always amazed at how much you accomplish!

  8. Quilting, internship, reading and you still get 8 hours sleep. The blocks are beautiful.
