
Sunday, June 12, 2011

june UFO done

Boy am I glad I used my time off wisely and got the UFO for this month mostly done before I started my internship!  I've been so busy studying, it's not even funny.  Add in an hour drive each way, dinner and dishes and I've run out of time, so quilting has taken a very back seat.  (I do try to read blogs and check e-mail every night - it's my time to wind down.)

Weekends give me more time, but my motivation for quilting isn't what it was a month ago.  I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do with my little free time...  But I know it will come back and I know my focus should be my internship, so I'm not worried.

So let's review the UFO.  In December, when I made the list, this quilt was still a bunch of kits.

Because I didn't have 12 quilts needing finished (to the point of being tops), and because I didn't want to overwhelm myself too much, I divided this up into 4 sections.  3 sets of 4 blocks and putting the whole top together.

Judy has drawn numbers for this quilt three times now, so that means all the blocks are finished!

I should have taken a photo of just the blocks I did this month, but I forgot.  I think they're the three on the bottom row plus the top right applique.  (This photo took 4 tries to get one where there was only ONE cat helping!  Apparently that trip to the grocery store made them miss me?)

I'm so happy to have these to this stage.  They have been sitting in the closet, giving me the evil eye when I get close enough to them, for way too long.  But since I have no plan for this quilt when it's done, I didn't make the time to work on it.  Judy has been such a great motivator!  Thanks Judy!

Earlier this month, I thought I might challenge myself to put the blocks together and get a month ahead, but I'm not feeling it yet.  Maybe next weekend?  Or maybe I'll just wait and put them together whenever the last number for this quilt is called.  Either way, I'm not behind on this one.

As for the month of Whig Rose applique, I'm still behind, but I have found a few minutes to work on it.  I'll get a photo when there's really something to show.  :)

And a little more on the internship:  I'm enjoying it.  It's hard and I feel dumb a lot, but I'm learning as I go and everyone is friendly and helpful and kind.  It's going fast and slow at the same time.  At the end of the day, I can't figure out where all the time went, but when I'm trying to understand something and feeling dumb, time crawls!  I know it will be over before I know it and I'm hoping to have a great job soon!

Happy quilting,


  1. It's called living a polychronological where there is enough time to think, but not enough to fret;)
    The quilt blocks look fun;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  2. Way to go, Katie. The blocks are very pretty and will make a gorgeous quilt. Sounds like the internship is going well, too. I would occasionally tell my kids (when they were kids) that important, worthwhile stuff is supposed to be hard.


  3. Katie, the internship is the most important thing for now and you are on the right track. Congtatulations on the June finish, the blocks are all beautiful. I love the colors in this quilt. Have fun with the quilting when you have time!

  4. I admire your drive and determination to make a better life for yourself in years to come, yet all the while, creating beautiful quilts for yourself and those you love! Your persistence at both is to be commended! (I still love those blocks and colors! *wink*) ---"Love"

  5. Polychronological! What a great word! If I am correct, poly meaning many and chronological meaning time. So cool and so perfect for your life right now. Once your time lines coincide again, everything will become clear. For now, concentrate on the internship timeline. Way to go, Katie!


    P.S. Love the blocks!

  6. Katie sounds like the internship is a great experience. I know you will master all the things that seem hard now.
    Your blocks look great.

  7. Your blocks look great--congrats on a finish! Hope your internship goes well and leads you to a great future! (with plenty of time to quilt more, of course!)

  8. Great word - I learned something very valuable today. Wonderful blocks and I love the colors. Way to go Katie - every step is important to the outcome. Judy C in NC
