
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

march UFO

A new month means a new UFO challenge.

Judy over at Patchwork Times pulled #1 this month.

Thanks to my handy sidebar listing, it's now easy to see what that is: the French Kiss in Bliss quilt!

But you'll remember I got a little ambitious in January and started with the stacks of blocks...

...and sewed together a top...

...and said I'd ask you to help me decide on borders when the time came.

Well, it's time!

The blue will surely be the outer border, but should I do a white or a red inner border?  I like the pop of the red, but the white mimics the blocks.  Hmmm...

The timing of this is pretty perfect.  First, I'll need a big table to trim the setting triangles down.  I'll also need that table for the anniversary quilt.  Happy to set up that table only once?  Yep!  And second, it's not going to require much work to get it to finished into a top, which fits nicely into my schedule of other quilts needing my attention right now.

Next week the hubby is being sent out of town on business.  I thought about joining him, but, long story short, I decided to just take the week off and stay home instead.  Quilt retreat with all the comforts of home - literally!  Lots of progress expected.  :)

Happy quilting!


  1. I like the red! The large white dots on the red tie back to the dots in the blue background, to me anyway. Either way, your quilt will be beautiful! ---"Love"

  2. Hi--I like the red border "pop" too. But that got me thinking...what would it look like if you put red 1/2 diamonds next to the full ones and then the white border? (I cannot visualize anything mentally, just have to try it and it might look terrible, but that way you'd get both the white and the red...) Either way your colors are pretty!

  3. I love the red for the inner border, it does so much for the quilt! Have fun with your at home quilt retreat, sounds like you should get a lot done.

  4. Oh, definitely the red border! Then the blue with red dots and finish with red! Love that quilt!


  5. I'm with red too! It really is a beautiful quilt. It's going to look fabulous.

  6. I vote for the red. Love the blocks, love the top. I know you will be done in no time. I look forward to you at home retreat cause you always share so much good stuff with us as you sew.

  7. I think the red is great;) But then, the white keeps with the modern thing. Either way would look good;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  8. Red. The quilt will be beautiful. Connie204
