
Sunday, February 27, 2011

a top is born

After suffering through the stomach flu last weekend (very frustrating to have gotten nothing done) and then nursing the hubby through a sore back and now head cold, I FINALLY got some sewing done this weekend!

I started with this on Saturday:

Blocks partway sewn. 

This morning I started with this:

A pile of finished blocks.  32 +14 setting triangles.

And as of a few minutes ago, I'm here:

(Hi Lexie!)

A top without borders!

(Yay me!)

I kept looking at it while laying on my sewing room floor and thinking it looked too light.  I expected the brown to make it darker.  The borders will be brown and that will help, but until I took this photo, I didn't like it.  I'm back to loving it again!

I think I need more fabric for borders, but I'm going to get that soon and make myself put them on before I start the wedding quilt.

My dad has the light bar for my longarm ready to go, so very soon I won't be restricted to daylight hours (though the days are getting longer!) and maybe, just maybe, this will be finished more than 24 hours before it's needed.  Don't anyone go holding their breath, though.

Off to feed the hubby.  And me.

Happy quilting!


  1. Ohhhhh myyyyy goodnesss...this is one awesome quilt!

  2. That turned out beautifully! And I love the white; makes the reds pop! ---"Love"

  3. Oh, I like I like I like!!! That is going to be a wonderful quilt! I know what you mean about a quilt not coming out quite the way you envisioned it though. No matter how gorgeous it looks, it isn't what you planned and you need to step away a bit before you can have that "wow, it's great!" feeling. I'm glad you didn't have to step away too long to learn to love it again!

  4. That quilt came out so very beautiful. The design is striking and your color choices really make the most of the design. Great job as usual.
    Glad you are better.

  5. Wow, awesome quilt and I think Lexie agrees! Marvelous choice of color.


  6. I think it looks great;) Glad you are feeling better...stomach bugs are terrible.
    Happy Quilting!!

  7. Nice quilt, I really like the colors. As usual you did a great job. Connie204

  8. Stunning top! Glad to hear that your family is on the mend. We had two weeks of the crud in January.
