
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

day 3: 120 of 270

It's been a dreary, rainy day here today.  A good one for curling up with a quilt and a book.  I suppose you could say that's what I did...sewed together pieces for a quilt using directions in a magazine...

I started off with a pile of 660 pieces that you saw yesterday.

I kinda wish I hadn't done that math!

I sewed all day.  Lots of, press, trim "dog ears", repeat, repeat, etc.

The block I'm making is, at it's most basic, a 9-patch.  But they're not just plain squares, so there are 9 sections to each block.  Some of them repeat, some don't.  Today I worked on the sections that will be each of the four corners - all the same, but 120 of them, enough for the 30 blocks I'll need for a queen-sized quilt.  And they're done!

 And here's the stack now.  Pardon the messiness underneath!  On the far right you can see the 120 units I completed today.  The remaining units are less complicated and require less of each (60 of unit B, 60 of unit C, and 30 of unit D), so maybe, just maybe I'll have all 270 units done by this time tomorrow!

It doesn't look like much, but I used up more than a 200-yard spool of thread!

Time to relax, I think.

Happy quilting,

PS The quilt labels I showed last night have been sewn on.  I plan to do a post about "Lifesavers" soon.  And the embroidery portion of the super secret project was also finished last night, but I don't plan to reveal much more of that for a while.


  1. You are certainly a busy lady. I'm sure by tomorrow it will be done. Connie204

  2. How well I relate! I've been working on log cabin blocks for ever it seems! Lots of little pieces, but not as complicated as yours looks. Yours looks great! I'm looking forward to your "Lifesavers" post. ---"Love"

  3. I am now totally anxious to see these blocks! Hope tomorrow brings us some sunshine ( today it was dreary here too) maybe a little bit of warm???? Ok I would settle for some sun.
    Happy stitching.

  4. You made great progress! It can get monotonous sewing bunches of little pieces into bigger pieces that are all the same, but they look good. I like the color combination and the little swirls in the black fabric are so cute. I can hardly wait to see the next step. Relax and snuggle with the kitties so you can dig in tomorrow!

  5. That is a lot of sewing and pressing (and trimming). Good for you for tackling the most complicated blocks first. I can't wait to see more of the embroidery project. (If I were to hazard a guess, I might say it was something for Mother's Day.)


  6. That is why I never do the math on the blocks for a quilt. Somehow sewing 270 units is so overwhelming. I prefer to stick with only counting to 50 so I don't loose motivation before I get overwhelmed. If it's over 50 it's just a bunch. Looks like you are making progress. At your current rate you'll have it finished in no time.

  7. Wish I could say I was getting stuff done;) Keep having fun;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  8. Looks like you are making good progress. I think it will be a stunning quilt. The colors are bright and the black & white will make them pop! I love black on black. Sometimes I haven't been able to find one I like though. Yours looks great.

  9. Love those colors! Can't wait to see what it is going to look like!

