
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

day 2: random

Today I knew my dad would be down to install my longarm light bar, so I didn't want to dig into anything major.

First up, machine sew binding onto the anniversary quilt.

Hand-sewing the other side down still needs to be done.  Maybe tonight?

After a quick phone call, I discovered my dad planned to come down after lunch, so I ran to the grocery store.  We were running out of cat food!

Quick before lunch, make some cat toys with quilt scraps.

I had loads of help with these.  I think all my cats were stoned by the time I actually gave them the finished toys!  (Chain sewing is fun.)

28 toys in all.  All stuffed with catnip, of course.  14 for my beasties, 14 for my "niece" kitty who lives with my brother and his quilter-wife.  They recently bought their kitty some catnip mice and she loved them.  I promised more not-so-mouse-shaped toys and finally got around to them today.  My kitties love their half (I made two of each fabric).

And then a quick lunch.  Frozen pizza.  (Nothing fancy!)

While waiting for my dad, I decided to make some quilt labels.  Today is the day of random finishes, so why not?

And he still wasn't here, so I thought I'd dig around in my stash and see if I could come up with fabric to make a block or two for the Just One Star that Moda is doing for Quilts of Valor.  I heard about this from a not-so-local quilt shop and think it's a great idea.

I can't get the colors right, but these are made from leftovers from the anniversary quilt!

Midway through these (of course), he arrived.  He's not nearly as incapacitated with that broken wrist as I expected, but I know by the time we had the light bar installed, it was starting to hurt.  Thankfully it's his left wrist and he's right-handed, but you don't realize how much you use both hands until you can only use one!

So here's the new light bar:

Tonight I think I'm going to get those quilt labels on (an easy finish) and start in on the anniversary quilt binding.  Maybe work some more on that super secret project I showed a few days back, too.

Tomorrow I should be able to sew uninterrupted (and if you think you can sew uninterrupted with 5 cats living with you, you clearly have never lived with a cat!), so I'm going to tackle this pile.

It's all the pieces for the blocks for the wedding quilt.  They're getting married in late August, but since I also have two friends with babies on the way, it would be nice to have this one well underway when we find out pinks or blues.  I hope to have lots of progress to show tomorrow evening!

Happy quilting,


  1. All I can say is Happy Quilting!!

  2. Glad you Dad was able to hang that fabulous light bar with a broken wrist. Now instead of sleeping 8 hours you can do more quilting. LOL I'm sure your kitties love their new toys. They are soooo much fun.

  3. Your stay at home vacation is working out well, you got a lot done, too! The light bar is fantastic, that should help with afternoon/evening quilting. Your dad did a great job on it. All the kitties should be so happy with their new toys. Thanks for the info about the Quilts of Valor project. I've always wanted to help out and this would be great. No commitment of a whole quilt, I could make some stars to send out. Happy quilting, let's see what you get done tomorrow.

  4. That new light is wonderful! What a difference it will make for you! I hope you gave him a big hug!
    Your stars are pretty and for a great cause!
    I'm not a pet person, but I have a question. Where do you get catnip? *giggle* ---"Love"

  5. Well you got a lot done today even if it was random! Your light bar is awesome!!! Your Dad did a great job.
    I have to make some of those cat toys for my grandkitties (3 of them). I think that they would have fun.
    Can't wait to see what you do tomorrow.

  6. Your dad eats cat food? Just kidding! You are really getting through some work. Everythings looks great - especially those cat toys from scraps. Cheers, Ann :-)

  7. Five catnip stoned kitties! What fun!


  8. You will be able to sew all day and then long into the night with that new light bar. I love the effect catnip has on cats -- even old cats are young and silly for a while. Just One Star sounds like an ambitious undertaking. I can't imagine 1800 star blocks. Good luck with the Wedding Quilt.

