
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

what I've been up to...

I kinda feel like I fell off the blogging wagon here lately.  I had that crazy week of sewing and then nearly nothing for a while.

But I've been busy. 


(Emma keeping close eye on a spider.)
What used to be my computer room.

(Boy does that book stack look wimpy from a distance!  And now it's been relocated and probably will be again before next month's report.)

To make room for my longarm quilting machine!!!!!

We're picking it up Friday morning.  And the gal selling it to me is going to come over either that afternoon or soon after and help me get it all set up and teach me how to load quilts and wind bobbins and all sorts of good stuff.

You'd think I'd be beside myself with excitement, but more than anything I feel overwhelmed.  There's so much cleaning to be done and relocating of furniture...

So the room is cleanbut the rest of the house now needs a good cleaning to prepare for a most important guest!

(The photo was taken after furniture removal, before cleaning.)

(Please ignore the ugly curtains.  They came with the house...)
(And yes, the floor is badly in need of refinishing, but that's pricey and we've mainly been focusing our budgeting for home repairs on those that will make our house less costly to heat in the winters for now.  Someday!)

At least all the work has me sleeping good at night!

And here's a photo of Emma for giggles.

I had milk and chocolate chip cookies for breakfast Sunday while reading the grocery ads and planning meals for the week.  She was super frustrated her face didn't fit down into that mug to get her tongue to the little bit of milk in the bottom!

I promise more photos of the machine and I may even show you my progress at learning to use this scary monster I've decided to purchase!

Happy quilting!


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Katie, a quilting awesome is that!!! I will jump up and down for you. Can't wait to see pictures.

  2. Congrats!!! You will love it. Don't be scared. It will just take time and practice.

  3. Wow Katie, congratulations. This is a really big deal. Look forward to pictures.


  4. What great news! I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to see it. I know your feeling of being a little scared. I just bought a new sewing/quilting maching and it is so different than my old one. It will just take practice to get use to the new one. Have fun with your new toy and enjoy all that practice. You will be an old pro in no time.

  5. How exciting! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the machine and the quilts you'll quilt on it! (I know what you mean about home improvements - upgrading to double-pane windows and replacing the broken furnace were important but what I really want is to replace the old carpet with lovely wood floors!)

  6. You go girl! What an adventure you are embarking on. Just think of all the stories you'll be able to share on your journey. Won't it be such a giggle to read back a year from now, and how experienced you'll be!


  7. I'm so happy for you!! How exciting;) You'll be cranking them out like crazy once you get the feel of that new machine!!
    Happy Quilting!!

  8. Lucky you! I wish I had the nerve, and money, to try a machine like that! I'm sure you will do well very soon! (I'm jealous!) ---"Love"
