
Thursday, November 4, 2010

it's book report time!

I can't believe another month has gone by.  Where has this year gone?

But it's the 4th, so that means I'm showing my book stack again.

You remember it got a little taller with my trip to the library book sale last month, right?

(July 4 on the left, Nov 4 on the right.)

I'm thinking I should have put a mark on the wall (or a Post-It) so I could line these shots up better.  But you see the books getting bigger, so that means the stack is getting smaller, right?  (It is.)

But let's compare October to November...

(October left, November right.)

I think it's still taller, though I have read a few.  Among them "The Kite Runner" which I really liked.  I liked that it gave what I felt was an honest look into the lives a few bys growing up in Afghanistan.  And I'm now reading "The Other Boleyn Girl" which is also very good.  I know very little of Henry VIII (except that he chopped off a lot of heads) and if this book is relatively accurate, it's a great history lesson.  (The kind I would have much preferred to the dry, boring, dates-and-places textbooks of my school days.)  And no, I haven't seen either of the movies.  I don't think I will either.

I haven't been in the sewing room since my week off.  Here is where things have been left:

I didn't really burn out on the sewing, but reading is calling my attention more this week.  And with no deadlines, I'm not worried.

And a little tidbit of perhaps awesome news...  My fantastic machine quilter is selling a longarm machine she bought as a second machine and things didn't work out quite as planned!  I'm going to look at it Sunday and in the meantime the hubby and I are looking at options how to pay for it (because we don't have quite that much in the bank!).  I'm super excited and you all know you'll be seeing a bazillion pictures of it if I get it, right?  :)

Off to prepare leftovers for dinner.  Beef stew.  Mmmmm...

Happy quilting,


  1. Good luck with the long arm purchase decision! Wow, that would be super exciting. Enjoy your reading. "The Other Boleyn Girl" was a good read. -Joanne

  2. I hope you guys manage to get that long arm;) I've got my fingers crossed for you;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  3. What an ambitious bunch of books; I'd never get them all read! I COULD eat a big bowl of that beef stew! I hope you can arrange to get the longarm machine. ---"Love"

  4. If you like historical fiction, Try "Loving Frank" and "The Women" both about the women in Frank Lloyd Wright's life.

  5. How exciting -- you really will be a super quilter if you manage to purchase the longarm machine. I'll cross my fingers, too!


  6. Hope everything works out with the longarm. I know you have been thinking about getting one for a while.

  7. Good luck with the longarm. I hope you can work something out. I don't have your stack of books as I get mine from the library, but I do read at least one book a week. Connie204
