
Thursday, October 28, 2010

slowing down? (day 3)

It doesn't seem like I got much done today, but I suppose there were more distractions...

More work on the Origins quilt.


This is where I left it Tuesday night.  Needing a bit more tan and afraid to lay it out because of indoor tornados.

My mom showed up to quilt and we got busy.

Then there was lunch and a little shopping.

Back home and a little more sewing and a big amount of frustration on my part with a half-finished quilt top because I'd run out of fabric.  So off we went again for a trip a little further from home to get more tan fabric.  Yay!

I also picked up, washed and pieced together the back for the hubby's quilt.  The whole thing went home with my mom to be dropped off at the quilter sometime soon.

But I have a top. 

The "before" picture...Emma and Lexie decided it would make a good wrestling ring...  Those girls are littermate sisters and they fight to the death about once a day.  Really, it's not that bad, but to hear them holler at each other, you might think it was.

It still needs borders (brown, then green print), but I'm pleased that almost all the bias edges are now contained.

I feel like I didn't get much done today, but with the setbacks of not enough fabric and having to rework the pattern a little because I put the blocks together slightly backwards, I guess I did make good progress.

But I also feel like I'm losing my momentum.  Maybe it's because the hubby is back home, maybe I've just satisfied the creative bug for now...

Off to bed for me now.  Hopefully the creative bug bites again while I'm sleeping!

Happy quilting,


  1. Another beautiful quilt top! While you were busy putting it together, I managed to wash, dry and iron some fabric. I wish we had some of those creative bugs in my neck of the woods.


  2. Those are not normally my colors, but that quilt top is quite striking! I love the neat framework the sashing creates too! Looks like a lot was accomplished, in spite of life getting in the way! ---"Love"

  3. Looks like a productive day to me! The quilt is perfect! I really like the brown shashing between the blocks.

  4. Getting a quilt top almost put together is losing momentum ??? I suppose it's all relative. The top looks great and the kitties complement it very well.

  5. Like Love, those are not the colors I would choose to work with but I love the way it turned out! It is so interesting, I love the sashing defining the blocks. It is great!

  6. I'm glad you were able to get more fabric to get the top finished. It must be cool to have your mom to quilt with. The production came to a screaming hault here yesterday as we spent the day playing the video game;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  7. Wow! I really like your top so far. Great setting. Doesn't look like you are slowing down at all. After all you had a couple of shopping trips to get more fabric in addition to all the sewing.
