
Thursday, October 28, 2010

how to slow down quilting progress (day 4)

The hubby returned late last night and he is sure a distraction!  A trip to get the brakes on his truck checked out, dinner out...but it is nice to have him home again.

And I did get some quilty stuff done.

The origins quilt is a top now and I've made the binding already.

Some of you have mentioned that these are not colors you would have chosen.  Many of them are not colors I would have been drawn to either, but I won a charm pack and decided to challenge myself.  I'm glad I did because I really love about half the prints and colors in this now.

And I should give credit for the pattern, though I didn't exactly follow it.  The original, Crossing Paths, came from the Moda Bake Shop.

And then I moved on to the Bliss fabric.


The French Kiss pattern (Fig Tree Quilts) is what I am working on with these fabrics.  But I couldn't get the required honey bun to make it, so I'm trimming down the jelly roll and planning to use the scraps to make strippy keychain wallets for all the nieces for Christmas.  I haven't made any yet, so my fingers are crossed that that plan works out well.

So here's the after:

Not as much cut as I would like, but I'm getting there.  And tomorrow is another day.

And a little excitement and a big thank you to Kathleen.  When I went to get my mail, I found a box.  What was in the box? 

Purple fabrics!  (And some super cute kitties, too.)  These are awesome!  I'm not sure what they'll turn into, but maybe when some of the other projects running around my brain turn into actual things something will come to me. 

And with that, I have bills to pay and plan to turn in early tonight thanks to the hubby napping on the couch.  (I missed him, but I don't miss his wierd sleeping patterns!)

Happy quilting,


  1. Very nice: the quilt top, the wallet idea, and the purple fabrics! ---"Love"

  2. I think working outside of our preferences once in a while is what develops us as quilters. You never know what you do or don't like until it's actually tried;) I think the color combination worked really well as evident in the finished top;) That solid tan leaves alot of room for imginative quilting motifs.
    Happy Quilting!!
    p.s....thought you might like those;)

  3. Ooo, those are gorgeous purples! The Origins quilt is lovely. I like how the brown works with those greens. I wouldn't have thought of it. I'm going to have to go look up that French Kiss pattern too, since I have a honey bun I don't know what to do with.

  4. The Origins quilt looks even better with its borders on! I have a charm pack of bliss too, not sure what I will use it for.
    Love the purple fabrics. You are still getting a lot done!
