
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Gabriel's quilt

My good friend T and I finally managed to get together today so I could give her the quilt for her little one.  Since I didn't even know she was pregnant until after the baby was born, I was glad to have a quilt mostly ready when the birth announcement arrived...and one I'd thought of her a lot during sewing, hoping she'd give me reason to give it to her.

Born August 18th is Gabriel.

What a sweetie.

The hubby and I stopped by for a visit today and they were winding up his 1-month photos (a little behind schedule!) so I got to meet him and chat with his big sister who will be 2 and 1/2 exactly tomorrow.  She's so proud of that 1/2!

And of course the quilt was given.

I meant to take a picture of the back because the coordinating print is really cool and it has a pieced portion, but things were rushed this morning as we were headed out the door to my nephew's football game and then on to my friend's since she lives about 20 minutes from where the football team was playing.

You can see a bit of it here...I took this photo a while ago when Emma was NOT helping me quilt!

Tomorrow I'll be heading to a big quilt show and hope to pick up a few goodies to round out my giveaway packages.  Check back to see what all I find and then, later, the winners!

And soon the quilt I made for the hubby's high school friend and wife will arrive and I can show that off too!

Happy quilting,


  1. I love the little quilt, love the red, black and white with the cute critters. It is great! It is perfect for the little one.

  2. Busy as usual. That baby is sooo cute. Emma looks busyto me. She wasn't being helpful?

    Enjoy the quilt show. Hope you remember the camera so we can see the show too.

  3. What a cute quilt for a darling little boy! ---"Love"

  4. Gabriel is a sweetie! The quilt is fantastic - great colours for baby. Have fun at the shiow and spend up big! Can't wait to see what you find. Ann :-)

  5. I love that quilt;) And the baby is very, very cute;) Almost as cute as my new grandson...LOL;) Just's not fair to compare;)
    Have fun at the show;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  6. The baby, the quilt, the kitty - soooo cute!


  7. Aren't babies the sweetest. I bet they loved the quilt, it sure looks like Emma did. Connie204
