
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

another giveaway!!!

Comments are closed and winners have been announced here.

happy birthday to me!

to celebrate, I'm having ANOTHER giveaway...

i'll be adding goodies as I figure them out, but so far we've got

(i'm going with another theme, but this one is a little looser)

"what I love"

in no particular order...


(had to actually ORDER this today...I'm gonna read it first, though, okay?  it's my birthday so I can do whatever I want...I promise not to spill too much chocolate into it!)


(Oh-Cherry-Oh! honey bun...unless it's out of stock, then it might turn into a Make Life honey bun...  also on order as of today)

another quilter's project manager!

there will be more, but I'm working on goodies and I need to get a flat rate shipping box and see how much more room I have to fill...

other things I love:


Edit 10/3 - The quilt show didn't turn up as many ideas as I'd hoped, but as you can see, the prize value is already pretty good.  But to capture purple, I picked up this goodie:

It's a PURPLE pigma pen for labelling quilts!

(why doesn't anyone ever ask you your favorite shape?)

the pickies:

enter by leaving a comment
if you wanna have some fun, guess how old I am!

open till 9pm (eastern time) Sunday October 3rd
(same as the other giveaway - I extended that deadline so I can show you the goodies I pick up at the quilt show this weekend in case that sways your decision)

I'm sorry, but for this one I will only ship in the USA
(have you seen the prices for internation shipping?  and this is gonna be a good-sized box!)

i'll ship whenever all the goodies arrive
(I read fast, but who knows how long orders will take)
(and i'll keep you posted how that's coming along)

keep checking back on this post because I'll add pics of goodies as I figure them out!

happy quilting,

ps I love cats, but I'm not gonna ship you one of those - no worries!  (though you might get a few stray cat hairs...sorry!)


  1. Happy Birthday!! I am going to guess 39?!?!? It's kind of hard to do without at least a picture to see what you look like. Maybe there is one somewhere in your blog, but I didn't look too far. This drawing is great! Wow!!

  2. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to Katie,
    Happy Birthday to you!

    And many, many more cause there is a lot of quilting to get done. Ohhhh, and sew much fabric!

  3. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
    I guess 29.
    Fantastic give a ways!
    Enbjoy your day. (I read The Aloha Quilt, liked it).

  4. Happy Birthday to you! I'm going to guess 34? Not that it really matters :) Your goodies look yummy. I never thought much about favourite shape, but now that you mention it I think I'd have to go for circle as well. And though it wouldn't be great for the cat, my daughter wouldn't mind finding one of those in the mailbox :) -Joanne

  5. Happy Birthday!! Guessing an age...that could be touchy....I'll say, based on your level of "maturity" in your blogs...that you are 18 plus 12 years of experience;) That's how my hubby broke down my last birthday...18 plus 21 years of experience;) LOL Best of both worlds on that one;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  6. oh enter me here....I need to go enter your other one too. I need to finish mailing things out that are backloged here and I plan to do a giveaway too. Most likely between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have set a few things aside for it!!

  7. Hey, me too! Happy Birthday! I love the Elm Creek Quilts series. I am guessing 41 - Old enough to know better and young enough to learn more!


  8. I am going to go with 28 years. Hope the Michigan fall is beautiful.

  9. Happy birthday. Not going to guess an age - I've lied for so many years I have to stop and think about how old I really am. Just remember, if you get chocolate finger prints on the book, you need to add chocolate to the package.

  10. Happy birthday! I decided to start counting backwards once I reached 25, which means that I am now... 17 again! Therefore, I'll guess that you are 16 in my revised scheme of birthday calculation!

  11. some of these comments are so funny!!! I have twins(fraternal girls) and they are 28 so that is what I'm going with! HAPPY! HAPPY! BIRTHDAY!
    be sure to hop over to the Fall into Fall Giveaway and you may WIN some great birthday presents!!!

  12. Happy Birthday to fellow September birthday girl! I'm going to guess that you're younger than me, and I just turned 54. :)

  13. Happy Birthday Katie. I am a wannabe quilter that has been following the APQ bloggers for a couple of years. Thanks for keeping the blogs going. With Christine expecting and Ruth and Kathleen away for some time it was you that kept the blogs going. As Ruth last year, I am also on a count down - 52 weeks and I will have all day to finish my current projects and start some new ones.
    Carolyn from Missouri

  14. Hmm, I'm going to go with 26. :P
