
Saturday, October 23, 2010

best. quilt shop. ever.

Seven Sisters Quilt Shop

(a real brick-and-mortar store)

...I could have spent more, but I restrained myself...

...projects to follow...


  1. Cute shop and you picked out some really nice things!

  2. Seems really cozy...and I love that stove they have in there...I would cook with that all day;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  3. You got some cute stuff. My daughter gave me a gift cert to Amazon for Mother's day and I got that book. (and a couple of others). Whatcha gonna do with your new loot?

  4. What a beautiful selection of fabric. I might be too in love with it to cut into it. I'm sure you won't have that problem.

    I'm wondering how many projects Katie will have completed by next weekend. My guess is 'five'.


  5. It looks like a great shop! I love your purchases, too. I bought a charm pack of Pure when we were in Illinois. I haven't done anything with it yet. In fact, I forgot I had it until I saw yours.
