
Friday, September 3, 2010

suggestions please!

Basted and ready to quilt, but I need help!

I want to quilt circles about 1/4" inside and outside of each circle.

Any suggestions how to get a better circle than "eyeballing it"?

No, Emma, that is not helpful.

(But this quilt is finished quilting, and binding attached!)

Happy quilting,


  1. The only thing I can think of is using a saucer or lid to trace around and use the line for stitching. I hope someone else has a good idea, the quilt is so cute. I love the red, white and black one, too.

  2. You could use template plastic to make your circles. That is one cute quilt. I like the black, white and red baby quilt, as well.


  3. I'm a big fan of paper plates as templates for circles. I trace the circle of the finished block and then cut the plate slightly less than a quarter of an inch larger. Next measure slightly less than a quarter of an inch inside the block sized circle and cut the plate from the inside to create a donut shape to trace the inner circle onto the quilt as guides. If you are worried about the accuracy of the circle you could always buy a cheap compass and use it to draw your circles. That's my preferred method although I have measured a 1/4" in numerous places around the master circle and free handed the curve in between to create the template. Hope that makes sense.

  4. I guess it would be dumb for me to ask if you own a compass? School supplies are probably on sale right now.... :) Theri

  5. I believe you could make a compass with marker and string, unless you have an adjustable one. Just mark the 1/4" inside and outside and adjust the string. The quilt is really nice and Emma is adorable. Connie204

  6. I agree with every word Sandy wrote! In addition, I think I would cut two sizes of the template just a little smaller than where the quilting is to be, punch four holes in the plastic templates (like buttons), tack the templates, one at a time, in place perfectly, and then quilt around them almost touching the edge, the larger one first and then the smaller inside circle. Sounds like a lot of trouble, doesn't it? But it's probably the only way I could stitch a circle! ---"Love"

  7. Since you obviously don't have a quarter inch foot, I'm for combining the compass & cardboard idea. I save a bunch of those pieces inside the fat quarters and use the cardboard from cereal or cracker boxes for larger patterns. But you've probably got half of these done already, right? Mary

  8. Here's another compass recommendation. You can probably get one cheap now, with back-to-school sales. Or use a string, like Connie suggested. Just pin the string in the center, then tie it to a pencil at the correct length. I'd probably use the compass to trace a couple of templates and put a pin through the center so you can line up the center of the template with the center of your appliqued circles.

  9. I like the template idea out of template plastic. If you don't have some already, craft stores usually have it and I usually have some at home. It's nice because you can place it down and see through it to trace the circle. Then you would have to reduce it to the size you want.

  10. Well I am really late reading this post, and you are probably done quilting by now. I was going to suggest the compass too.
    Can't wait to see it done.
