
Monday, August 23, 2010

one thing, one week, challenge 2

Amy's at it again...doing her One Thing, One Week challenge.  Since last time I not only met my own challenge but also won a fantastic charm pack, I thought I'd do it again!

The I Spy with circles is needing attention.  It's been sorely neglected lately, thanks to a rushed feeling about the twin baby quilts, but this weekend I did manage to get the remaining circles appliqued.


I'm in the process of cutting bright lime green sashings and still not entirely sold on royal blue cornerstones.  Maybe more of the black dots instead?

So my goal is to get this into a top in a week. 
I think I can do it.

On an unrelated note, the dolls and quilts project has hit a wall.  I've been told the charity I've been donating to is not going to buy dolls this year.  So any extra quilts will not have dolls.  I'm trying to find an alternate charity (without much success - most want at least throw-size quilts), but in the meantime, the quiltmaking has stopped so I can attempt to catch up with doll purchases.

These three lovelies came home with me yesterday.  (The grocery list was short this week, so I squeezed a little harder and these are a little smaller and less fancy than the usual dolls, but no less cute!)

So...Mary and Beth, your fabrics WILL get used for this project (so long as the charity will still accept quilts WITH dolls), but it may take a bit longer than anticipated.  And there won't be any new dolly quilts to show any time soon.

I'm a little sad and frustrated, but since I've been gearing up for so many holiday quilts as gifts, it's probably better that I can focus on those for now.

Back to cutting sashings!
Happy quilting,


  1. Happy sashing. That I spy is going to be soooo cute!!! Sorry you have hit a snag with the dolly and quilt project, so now you have a chance to finish some of those gifts you want to make.

  2. You will be much blessed by your giving! I'm sure you will find some group to take your dolls and quilts. Check with your fire department! Ours get names of needy children, and delivers toys on Christmas Eve, with the Chief as Santa, and driving the big fire truck! Our guys would love to deliver your gifts! ---"Love"

  3. That I spy quilt is going to be so cute!!

    We are having our first EVER linky party tomorrow. If you have a recent fabric finish to share we'd love for you to stop on by and link up!

    Off to follow you! :)

  4. Go for it! The circle quilt is looking good and lime green sashes will look terrific. That's a shame about the dolly quilts. ann...

  5. Is there a children's hospital near you? Why don't you contact there admistrative offices and see is they will accept the dolls & quilts?


  6. The circle I Spy is going to be fantastic! I'm sorry you've hit a snag with your doll quilt project, but I'm sure you'll find someone who can distribute them where they are needed. -Joanne

  7. i love your i spy quilt! good luck with your challenge!!
