
Saturday, August 28, 2010

and the list grows...

Remember about a year ago when I came home from a shop hop with these fabrics?

Well, I can't find a picture, but they have been made into a top like that shown in the magazine on the right.  (Maybe I never took one?)

I had no plan for the quilt, but thought to myself that if a certain friend, T, gets pregnant again, these would make a fantastic boy quilt, or if she chooses not to know the gender until baby arrives, a very good gender-neutral quilt.

Today the mail arrived.  Included was a birth announcement from T and family.  They had a little boy 10 days ago.  (Adorable, by the way!)

After kicking myself in the rear for not even knowing she was pregnant (for baby #1 I arrived at a Christmas cookie exchange to find her 5 months along!), I almost panicked, then I remembered I had this top, the backing (needing piecing) and even the binding cut and ironed.  All I need is batting and I can quilt it.

(Not that fabric shopping for another project would be all that traumatic...)

So the list of quilts to be done has grown by one today, though it's going to be easier than starting from scratch AND it will lessen the pile of quilt tops I have with no destination!

I hope to have it done before she's up to getting together and I can present her with baby quilt #2.  And maybe that will help put me back in her good graces since she lives only an hour away...  (bad friend, bad bad friend...)

Now I'd better hop to it...still have to get that I Spy put together and blogging isn't going to get that done!

Happy quilting,

Edit 8/29:  I found a pic of the top!

Binding will be the black and white checks...I hope that's not too busy...


  1. What an adorable quilt....great you had it just about together, now it will take no time at all to get it to them.

  2. That is an adorable fabric print for a little boy! You are not a bad friend, life just gets busy sometimes. And, you are a busy one!

  3. How clever of you to have a top ready to go :)

  4. That will be perfect for a little boy, and not just a baby boy! He will love it in a few months. Mom will love it now! ---"Love"

  5. It's not easy keeping up with it all but you have a super quilt almost ready to go. I'm sure your friend will be accommodating. ann...

  6. Oh, I love that fabric! What a cute quilt!


  7. I love that quilt!! If I had seen the panel, I would have gotten it too;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  8. What a cute quilt! Not too busy at all. Your friend will love it.
    (I have those same chairs in my kitchen).

  9. Great colours, perfect for a boy ..Karen xx

  10. That's a really cute quilt! Lucky you had it almost finished before you even knew you needed it!

  11. What a great quilt. Mom and baby will love it. They are lucky to have a good friend like you. Connie 204
