
Monday, June 14, 2010

scrap challenge report

Alright ladies (and maybe gentlemen?) - today is the last day of the scrap challenge. 

Your tops should be finished by midnight (your time) tonight - or whatever version of the challenge you set for yourself.  (Remember I left the rules up to you.)

I finished the first one a while back:

(That's dark blue for the sashing and borders (many of you thought it was black).)

And just about an hour ago, I finished a second one:

I made it so big, the hubby was having trouble holding it up.  78" square!  Two trips to buy grey (that don't exactly match and I hope that fact will be hidden when it's quilted).  Too much time procrastinating.  But I think it will look nice on our red couch for a snuggle quilt.

So now it's your turn.  Use the box below to link to your scrap quilt post.
Happy quilting!


  1. How fun! That single all red star is a nice surprising element. I wouldn't worry about the greys not matching. Just call that an intentional design element :) -Joanne

  2. I love it! I love the random placement of the stars and the all red one. I too would claim that the two greys were intentional (it is a scrap quilt after all). Great job as usual.

  3. Wait a minute! I didn't know I could buy MORE fabric.... :) Theri

  4. I'm going to have fun looking at all the scrap challenge quilts. So far, they are all great, yours and Theri's too! ---"Love"

  5. It might be nearly midnight my time, but I did get it done! I love how both of yours turned out. I even really like the different greys you used and the subtle contrast that it provides.

  6. Your quilts are great. I especially like the blues, yellows and whites in the first one, it looks great! I remember the cute fabric you used for the center of the stars in the grey one. It is adorable, too.

  7. I can't wait to see all the wonderful quilts.

  8. Way to go, Katie! As you know, I'm still plodding along with mine, and as you mentioned... I did get all the blocks done!

    Both of your quilts look great!


  9. That was fun;) Love the blue quilt you have there...great job;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  10. Hi Katie,

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  11. They look fantastic Katie! Cheers, Ann :-)
