
Monday, June 14, 2010

challenge - last call!

Remember 3 months ago when I issued the scrap challenge?

Well, it's June 14th! 
(for another 16 hours - for me)

I have to finish sewing rows of red and grey stars into a top and then I'll be showing my scrap quilt finishes.

In that post, I'll add a link box-thingy and you can show yours that way...
I'll leave the box open for additions for a week or so.  Noone said we couldn't bend the rules a little bit, right?

I'm off work all week, but I really pushed this to the wire (well, it is a second one...).  Once the hubby gets out of bed, I'll be sewing!

Happy quilting!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see it all done. Maybe I will go sew all night and get my top done. LOL. Not going to happen...but maybe I can still squeeze it in ??
    Enjoy your week off, I am sure lots of swing will happen
