
Friday, January 15, 2010

Jenny's quilt and it's story

I'm still working on getting photos of quilts I've given away...a friend e-mailed me one yesterday, so I thought I'd get my behind in gear and show it off already.

This is Jenny's quilt.  It has a story behind it, but first I tell you about my friend Jenny.  She's an occupational therapist and was working with a quilty friend's hubby after a knee (?) replacement.  My friend and Jenny got to talking about quilting and she mentioned she'd kinda started, but really wanted to learn more.  My friend had a monthly group going (one I've mentioned in the past, but haven't been to in a while for a variety of reasons we'll not deal with here) and invited her.  So she came with her first top and LOTS of questions.

We talked her through things, gave her fabrics for borders (I had a chunk of the same fabric that she couldn't find more of) and bindings, helped with basting her quilt, showed her how to hand quilt it and add bindings.  We suprized her with our generosity, so it was obvious she hadn't known any real quilters!  She is a genuine, sweet young lady and we got along well.  We were the "kids" of the group, so that helped bond us.

Then one day she showed up and said she was moving to Montana.  A LONG ways away from us.  It's a long story why, but she needed to go.  We were all sad, but had a few months before she left.  Her last quilty day with us, we presented her with a card including e-mail addresses, fat quarters and this quilt that I had made.  I never really intended for her to know that I made it, but foolishly I forgot to photograph it, so it came out.  I just wanted her to think it came from the group, which I think she does even though she knows who made it.

She loved it.  Her favorite color is blue, but when I look at this photo, I see a lot of yellow.  Ah well, there IS blue in it.  She took it with her to Montana, though her mom tried to talk her out of it!

It's a double irish chain, made from the book "Time for a Chain" by Nancy Smith and Linda Milligan.  I really like this book and I've made a number of double irish chains using it.  The directions are very easy to understand and there are cutting instructions for single, double and triple irish chains in sizes from baby to king.  Very handy!

Now for the history of the quilt.

My hubby's family created a Relay for Life team in honor of his grandpa, who lost his life to cancer.  I've mentioned him before because I made a larger raffle quilt for the team to raise money.  This quilt was made the year before for a silent auction that was a general fund-raiser for the walk.  I went to the fabric store knowing what pattern and size I'd make, but not having a real idea of colors.  The ligher blue in the center caught my eye and I was off!

The quilt was poorly displayed (as were all items in the auction) and the event seemed to be poorly attended outside of those directly participating, so near the end of the auction the quilt had a bid of $20 on it.  I was horrified that I'd spent more than that on fabric, never mind my time!  So my hubby and I had a plan: bid it up and, if we had to, buy it back.  Well, we got it back for $25 or $30.  I felt a little cheap, but they got more out of it from me than they would have otherwise.  But I learned a lesson about donations...

So the quilt came back home and sat in a closet, waiting.  It waited quite a while, but when I heard Jenny was moving hundreds of miles away from us, I knew where the quilt was meant to go.  And her reaction told me I was right.

Jenny has found some quilty friends in her new home and has recently finished a second quilt for her newest nephew.  She's still learning (aren't we all?), but I think it will be a lifelong passion for her.  I hope that regardless of the miles between us we remain friends.

Now get back to the sewing ladies!  (and gents...)


  1. I can certainly relate to your donation quilt experience! You may recall mine with the fire quilts last year; even my cousin has never been able to find out how they did --- three quilts! True, it was a rainy, stormy day, and hardly anyone came to the auction, but what happened to the quilts????? We can't seem to get an answer. I learned a bit there too! Then I've had the experience of a new quilty friend (the one I met at Walmart) who moved to a state up north!
    Oh well, life goes on, and I'm going to keep quilting; bet you will too! I'm sure your friend thinks of you every time she sees that lovely quilt! ---"Love"

  2. That's a wonderful story. Quilts are such a journey and the friends we make along the way, so precious. It's a lovely quilt. I suspect it was meant for your friend all along. Happy Stitching, Ann :-)

  3. Only $20! Boy those people were not "quilt worthy". I'm glad you were able to get the beautiful quilt back and give it to Jenny who obviously is worthy of it. It amazed me when I started quilting how generous true quilters are. Reminds me of what you would read in a novel about the Pioneer women. That book looks really interesting! An irish chain is definitely on my "must make at some point" list. I can't wait to see more of the quilts you've given away as the photos come in. Thanks for sharing :) ~Christine

  4. I'm so glad this lovely quilt found the right home. Isn't it funny how quilts manage that? I'm sure you and Jenny will keep in touch. E-mail and cheap long-distance phones make distances smaller these days.

  5. The quilt is beautiful and has a wonderful story. Kinda lets you know there is a higher power working up there. That quilt was meant to go with your friend! Glad she loves it and you now have a picture for your quilt journal. Thanks for sharing the quilt and it's story with us.


  6. That is a wonderful story. I am sure the quilt will always be treasured and that makes it special. It really is very pretty.
    I started an Irish chain for my aunt, but being a very new quilter, made it little to small for her bed. Maybe I can get it quilted nthis year.
    Thanks for sharing. Beth
