
Monday, January 11, 2010

Merry Christmas to me!

I told you all I'd ordered from Connecting Threads a few days ago using the gift certificate my brother and his wife gave me for Christmas. Well, today I arrived home and sitting outside my door was a small box containing my order. I pulled it out and spread it on the dining room table, mere inches from the door. I couldn't wait to get it to my sewing room, I was so excited.

The kitties liked the box. They barely fit into it, but that's not a problem. They still try.

This weekend the very same sister-in-law that allowed me to buy such fantastic stuff has invited me over for a quilty Saturday, so I'm excited that I can work on my new stuff then!

Well, time to take one of the box-cats to the vet. Due for his yearly checkup and pokes, so it shouldn't be too pricey, but he's worth it.

Luka, laying down, needs to see the vet. Tucker, sitting up, does not. They're my boys. Related only by adoption, though my hubby and I seem to be the only ones who can tell them apart and we think they look nothing alike.


  1. I love your goodies. Have a great quilty day with your sister-in-law.

  2. Love the new makeover of your blog. Its so easy to get addicted here!

    The fabric is so cute- what will you make on quilty day? Your two kitties are very handsome :) Christine

  3. I watched a program the other day which said that the best toy you can give a cat is a cardboard box. I see you've found Terrific background! It's so much fun receiving parcels of fabric - I checked out the quilt on their site and it's super. Have fun on your quilty day! Happy Stitching, Ann :-)

  4. Your fabrics are soooooo cute! You will have a great day with your sister-in-law, sewing away. Your kitties look like they came from the same litter, amazing! Enjoy your new goodies!


  5. Okay, so I can't figure out how to reply to your comment so I have come into a random place to leave you an answer. Yes, that was the first longarm quilt that I worked with. Although really my friend Karen did most of the work and I got to help. Her machine does both freehand and templates. The pattern on the quilt was from a template so really it is a matter of lining up the design and pushing the button to start the machine sewing. Much better then spending weeks trying to cram it into the throat of my little sewing machine. I hear that one of the quilt stores down the way rents time on longarm machines- guess I am going to have to go and find out what they charge! We had great fun, but it still took all day to get the quilt done. Guess my next project will be to pick a binding... :) Theri

  6. Love your kitties, as well as your fabrics, and your page is really, really neat! ---"Love"
