
Monday, August 12, 2024

only a little

The hubby was gone all last week, so you'd think I would have gotten a lot of quilty stuff done.

I didn't.

But my life didn't change much.  I still went to work, I still made meals...I just didn't have to pick up as much stuff because he wasn't here to relocate all sorts of things.

I sewed quite a few carrier covers and a few hammocks.  And since I'm waiting for the next prompt in the second Bramble Blooms quilt, I worked on the cornerstone blocks from the last one.  A little bit...

I left you here last week...

...with the red petals sewn down and the yellow centers pinned.  Over the week, I got here...

...the yellow centers are sewn down and the plaid bases are ready to be sewn.  I just couldn't get myself to go any further, but all those little yellow petals (16 in all) took a while.  They're small, but they still take a bit.  And sometimes smaller is harder to finagle those edges to turn under just right.

I'll get there.

I also read quite a bit.  But finished just one book.

This book is long (600+ pages), but also a more difficult read than usual.  In part, it is the way the author writes (it's good), but also it weaves in and out of a number of different stories, centering a lot on what happened to prisoners during the Holocaust - stories from survivors.  The other stories (which all end up fitting together in the end) come and go, which is a good break from the horrors the prisoners went through and put the problems they (the modern day characters) were dealing with in a different perspective.  I had a lot of hope for things to turn out as the characters wished or would be best for them, but this book is more realistic in that things almost never turn out exactly the way we would like them to.

It took a while to read because I could only read so much before I felt bogged down and needed to process all that I had read.  And since the hubby wasn't home, I could focus better on the more sophisticated writing.  (I'm not sure if I would have even been able to process half of this book if I had to do it while Looney Tunes or Married with Children was blaring in the background - yes, he chooses a lot of garbage stuff to watch.)

I gave it 4 stars due to a lack of resolution of things the characters were chasing, even at the very end, and because to start, it took a while to develop the story enough to even know if there would be a plot.

And with that, I'm off.

Happy quilting!

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to see you are continuing with the Bramble quilt lessons. I am afraid I dropped the ball and only found my fabric pulls the other day. Maybe this winter....
    Keep showing us what you are reading!
