
Monday, June 17, 2024

bramble blooms 2 first prompt complete

Most of what has been going on in the sewing room lately are carrier covers for the cat rescue.

With loads of help...

Lily looks to be taking instruction here, but really I have no idea what she is doing.  She does look very serious, though I'm pretty sure the only thing she is serious about is causing chaos.

Here she might be though to be inspecting the cover prep for quality of workmanship, but more than likely she is again trying for chaos.

Finn seems to be doing some quality inspection as well, though maybe he's just putting some extra love into the process?  Or furs.  Probably just furs are being added.

That mom got a deal somewhere in her travels and brought me close to 10 yards.  That large of a piece is hard to wrangle even without a spazz-attack kitten trying to "help" but it made a lot of the large size covers, which is nice.

In other news, the Bramble Blooms 2 project moved along.  Last time I posted, the applique pieces were all cut and pinned.  I worked every night with a goal of three pieces.  That would essentially be one block, but since I did all of one color before moving to the next, some days were bigger pieces (and longer sewing sessions) than others.  But I made my goal and got them done in just 9 days.

Then on to sashing - because I knew they needed it.

(Finn helped, of course.)

This flower fabric has been in my stash for a long time (it was originally a border for the APQ Buddies swap quilt) and it was tossed in the Bramble Blooms bin with little expectation it would get used.  I contemplated it for these blocks somehow, as I wanted this top to be a bit more modern-feeling than the last one, but it was just too busy.  I think it ended up being perfect for sashing.  The colors aren't quite the same as what I sewed with, but it evens things out and brightens it up some and I think it looks just fine.

It took a few hours (doing outer sashings always adds extra time, though the seams weren't THAT long this time), but I now have the center done!  Those cornerstones are a dark green, though it looks black here.

Currently it measures 30" x 30".  More will be added, as with the first project - this is a medallion-style quilt.

I had no more than snapped this photo when Miss Salem claimed this one, too...

(And the green background is about accurate here - apparently the trick to using a phone camera is to add a black cat that will confuse it enough to represent the colors correctly?)

That's all the sewing.  The next Bramble Blooms prompt is due out the end of this month or early next month, which is fine.  I need to finish appliqueing the cornerstones I plan to use on the first one (I've decided it IS getting a border) and there are plenty of other things to keep me busy now that summer is here and I have a (small but still weed-ridden) garden.

Happy quilting!


  1. Your kitty-kats take their jobs very seriously. How good to have 10 yards of that fabric to use. Our block swap was good fun and my quilt is on display. It always make me smile. Everyone was so generous with the extra treats they included in the parcels (there was no obligation to do so). I still use the pincushion flower you made for me. Those Bloom blocks look great. You always make interesting quilts with great colours and fabric choices.

  2. It just so happens that my APQ Buddies quilt is on the back of our couch right now and I looked to see if I could see that fabric, but I didn't see it on mine. I sure enjoyed that block swap and making the quilt. Of course, I'm sure you know that your kitties are probably just as much of a draw for people to read your blog as the quilts are!
