
Monday, May 13, 2024

not much...

This week hasn't been terribly productive in the sewing department.  Next week the hubby goes back to his usual shift, which means I might have a better chance at getting more done?  (But since I've curbed my make-a-quilt-for-no-reason-other-than-I-like-it quilting, there is less going on in general.)

I am still pondering one more border on the Bramble Blooms quilt, but I picked it up and put it away, and you know how that out-of-sight-out-of-mind thing works...

I did sew a few cat carrier covers, though those are just a tidier pile of fabrics than before I sewed them, so not much to look at, so no photos.

What I have a photo of is the pink 9-patches for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!

Many of these fabrics will probably look familiar, as many of them were leftovers from the baby quilt I just made.  There are a lot of pinks in my stash of 1.5" squares, but I chose to make just 9 to start, as they'd look nice in a photograph - all even and whatnot.  I'll be making more...

And that's it for sewing!

How about some kitty photos?

Finn went and snuggled right into Gabby the other day...

...he was spooning her a little bit better, but by the time I got my phone/camera out and unlocked (I swear it takes four tries every time to get that password in right...), he had moved a little.  He loves his big sister!

And Lily is sometimes cute...

...but more often she is being naughty...

...trying to escape her outdoor space.  The hubby and nephew worked this weekend to get it better secured, but Finn has since escaped.  He is in the bedroom with his sister (door shut to him), so I thought it was safe.  She didn't get out, but she is also not allowed out right now.

But, in her defense, she was probably chasing after the piney squirrel she'd caught once and he ran out that side when she let him go.  (Being much smaller, he made it through.)  I wasn't sure what kind of a hunter she was, but since Freddie, Salem and Toby were all out there staring at it with her and she was the one that went after and caught it, I suppose she is a FANTASTIC hunter.  (I did close the window when I realized it was running around out there - we don't need another one of those in the house!)

Anyways, enough blabber.  Maybe I should go sew a bit?  I'm meeting friends for lunch later, too, so that will be fun, even if it does take away from my sewing time.

Happy quilting!

1 comment:

  1. Some weeks are like that. Not much on the sewing front but overall your output is well above average. Take a break and enjoy lunch with your friends. Those kitty-kats are gorgeous - so much character. Not sure about catching squirrels though and definitely don’t want them indoors. Pretty pink patches for RSC.
