
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

finally some progress!

I have progress on two quilts to show!  (yay me!)

First, yesterday I quilted the wedding quilt.

I'd been procrastinating like crazy because I was worried my longarm would develop another problem requiring lots of research, ripping and extra time.  Thankfully, none of that happened!  It went smoothly and the few troubles I had were easily fixed.  I guess I'm getting better.

And tonight, when the hubby gets up (his shift has been moved again and is now working a true 3rd shift, so he's up around 4pm, which is nice), I'll put the binding on!  It's already made (has been for months), so other than having to sew about 4 billion inches around the queen-sized top, it should go quickly.

About 10 minutes ago, I finished the cows!

Well, mostly finished the cows.  They still need tails and I'm going to do them with yarn or something. 

But I have a question for all of you.  The cows in the original quilt do not have eyes or nostrils.  Do these gals need them?  What would you suggest using (for eyes particularly)?

After the binding is sewn, the pinwheels for this quilt are next on the list.

But until the hubby gets up, it's back to the Whig Rose applique.

Happy quilting,


  1. I would say no to eyes and nostrils. I like the cows as is.

  2. The cows are so cute! Does the pattern call for eyes and nostrils? I guess if I was going to do them, I would just embroider them on. I was thinking maybe add eyes, but some of them have black heads, so you would have to make white eyes, which wouldn't work too well. Whatever you decide, they will be darling.

  3. If you watched a cow jump over the moon, you would not be able to see its eyes; I'd put a tail on them and call them finished. They are darling! Also you quilting on the wedding quilt is lovely with the smooth curves! I could never do that! I'd have little bumps everywhere! Great job! ---"Love"

  4. I would say no to eyes and nostrils. It is a baby quilt, after all. The wedding quilt looks great, by the way.


  5. I think you have gotten the hang of your longarm. The wedding quilt looks great. I think I'm with Love - Put on tails and call the cute cows done. If their blindness bothers you, I think I would try embroidering eyes in black. Yarn tails would look great.

  6. I think that the cows should have eyes and nostrils. At first I was going to suggest simple "french knots" - black or white - whichever would show up on the individual cow. Then Sandy's comment reminded me that it was a baby quilt - DUH! I don't think that baby quilts should have buttons or anything that might possibly come off and be swallowed by the baby - including french knots and yarn tails. So I changed my mind - maybe some satin stitching would work - or some "safe" fabric paint.

  7. The wedding quilt looks wonderful, it will be a great gift! For the cows, you could use a pigma pen or other permanent type marker and draw little nostrils and sleepy eyes, just little curved lines for eye, or embroidery them. Using yarn for tails is a great idea, are you going to braid several strands together for a 3-D effect? Whatever you decide, the quilt will be fantastic. I love those cows!

  8. The wedding quilt looks wonderful. Great job with your long arm. I think the eyes and nostrilsif you want them could be done with a pigma pen or fabric paint. The tails sound cute. I just adore those cows.
    Have fun binding.

  9. Leave the poor little cows alone (except for the tails, they need those for balance). Love the wedding quilt. I recognize those fabrics, LOL.

