
Monday, July 25, 2011

vacation quilting: july UFO done

I feel like I've been blogging too much lately, but I finally started unpacking the suitcase of projects and got the hubby to help take a photo of the quilt top I finished, so here I go again.

This is #2 on my UFO list for Judy's challenge.  You may remember that way back in January, I got a little ahead of myself on the challenges and dug into this one.  I thought I had to trim the setting triangles and then add borders, but as it turns out, I only had to add borders!  Easy peasy - I was done in just one morning!

I showed this to the wife of my hubby's fishing buddy (who invited us up to Drummond Island) and she loved it.  I believe this is another quilt that has found it's home!

It's 70x90" (quite big and you'll notice the hubby having a bit of trouble holding it up), made entirely from the Pure fabric line from Moda.  I loved it until I had the jelly I'm not so in love.  Some of the fabrics I adore (words?  yes please!) and some I find rather 70s-ish, but in all, they did make a nice quilt.

The pattern is called Winterberry and is from the book "A Baker's Dozen" from That Patchwork Place.  I changed nothing except the fabrics.  (For once...)

So this one is in the lineup for quilting now, though the wedding quilt is definitely ahead of it.  Just one month to go and I'm still stalling quilting that baby.  This week - I've got no good excuse because job hunting doesn't take up all my time! 

And since my sister-in-law let us know about 2 weeks ago that she's having another boy, I sat down with some baby and kid quilt books and patterns with the hubby and let him have a say.  It's his sister, after all and I think he is a bit more interested than he'll ever admit.

And then ran to JoAnn's for fabric.  I feel like I keep using the same fabrics over and over again, but their selection of smaller print fabrics is pathetic lately.  While I love the big, bold prints, they just don't scream baby quilt, you know?

So the plan: the cows will be done in the cow print (well, duh, but the print is a bit on the large side, so I'll be fussy cutting a bit), the blue will be the background for the cows, the gold sashing will be done with yellow and the green will be the borders.  The pinwheels are still a work in progress in my head.  (Do I use the cow print in place of white?  Should I just use two contrasting colors?  And why are there circles appliqued over the centers?  I think I may have to make a few trial pinwheels to decide, but any brainstorms you may have are also welcome!  I plan to raid my stash for these, too.)

The fabrics are all washed, but I'm having trouble motivating myself to go cut out pieces.  Maybe it's because my sewing room is so darn hot compared to downstairs in front of the air conditioner?  (It's really not THAT hot here today, but the hubby likes the A/C and once you're in it, everywhere else seems unreasonably hot.)  Maybe tomorrow...

Oh, and I also worked on the Lone Star Whig Rose appliques a lot up north.  Since it was too hot to have the iron on, I did quite a bit of hand-sewing.  I'll have to finish unpacking and get photos of those, though it doesn't look like much because hand-sewing is SLOW going!

Happy quilting,

PS Stay tuned, as I have two baby quilt reveals coming very soon, too!


  1. Yay :D A flimsy finished - another check on the UFO goals. (It *is* really pretty)

  2. Love Winterberry, the pattern looks like an argyle sock and I love blue and brown together. I think you are going to need one other color for the baby quilt though. It's going to be a cutie.


  3. I love that Pure quilt, and now it has a home to go to once it is finished. How nice! The baby quilt will be cute -- I like those cows.


  4. I love the 'pure' quilt. Your quilt looks sooo good. I did not realize how big that quilt is. And you found it a home already.
    Look forward to seeing your applique.
    What if you do your pinwheels controlled scrappy with a few brights from your stash. Might be really cute to use the cow fabric in the pinwheels. I guess you will have to audition some fabrics. Whatever you do Iknow that quilt will be adorable.

  5. I like your "Pure" quilt - and know exactly what you mean about jelly rolls - you adore some fabrics and the others - well - not. The baby quilt looks cute - I would add a purple (or two) and make the pinwheels - white/green/purple. And why are there circles appliqued over the centers? Could be to hide mis-matched points in the center - applique hides a multitude of things. Or maybe to kinda tie in to the stars. Can't really tell. ;))

  6. That is one beautiful quilt. I just love it.

  7. Pure looks amazing in that design. I've been known to substitute fabrics in a jelly roll or layer cake. No harm done. The leftovers go in a special scrap bin. Your baby quilt is going to be marvellous. Ann :-)

  8. i love the blues and browns! so restful....

  9. I love this fabric and think it worked perfectly for this design! I picked some of these fabrics for the QUiltmaker mystery!

  10. Blue and brown sure does work for me - wonderful job on your UFO finish. JC

  11. Great pattern and colors for your UFO quilt. Isn't it surprising to find where you left off when you pull things out of boxes and bags? Glad your friend loves it.

    Good luck with all your quilting goals!

  12. Love the blues--congrats on your finish!
