
Monday, July 4, 2011

happy july 4th!

I hope those of you in the US are having a wonderful holiday weekend!  We've had absolutely beautiful weather here and though it's a little hot out in the direct sun, I couldn't have asked for better since so much of the celebrations around here take place outside.

It's been a nice weekend for me - I don't study much on weekends (the poor little brain needs a rest!) and getting 3 days instead of 2 was a treat.  Plus I get to sleep in a little (up at 6am feels like a wonderful thing when you're used to 4:30)!  But tomorrow it's back to the grind and I may sneak in a bit of review yet tonight.

And remember my July 4th post from last year?  Independence day and books are inseperable in our family tradition, so I made the trip to my hometown for the used book sale again this year.  My parents had been travelling out west and arrived home just yesterday - just in time to host a family cookout, celebrate my dad's 65th birthday (a few days early) and get some books!

This year Emma is helping model the sacks of books I brought home.  (What she really wants is those bags emptied so she can tear around in and out and through them in the middle of the night and scare the bejeezus out of me!)  I think it's a few less than last year, but it's still quite a stack!

I think I got a good selection again this year.  I was really happy to find a copy of "Pillars of the Earth" in very good condition, but mostly I pick books by reading the summary on the back or inner flap when the cover catches my eye and hope for the best.

I remembered to put up a sticky note at the top of the stack, so I think I'll keep going with the monthly updates.  Maybe you didn't find it all that interesting, but it kept me motivated and suprized me how much I could read in a year!

Happy quilting,


  1. What an interesting selection of books! You will certainly not be bored.


  2. Happy 4th! I'm glad to hear your are relaxing and having some fun this weekend. Your have been working so hard. That is an impressive stack of books again this year. Enjoy!

  3. I just don't know how you do it! If I tried to read that much, I'd be asleep all the time! Glad you are having a nice break this week-end. ---"Love"

  4. Looks like a great stack of books. I have Alice's Tulips and I really enbjoyed it. I actually read it twice. I also have The Art of Mending. I think you will enjoy that one too.
    Hope you get a chance for some fun reading soon.

  5. Happy 4th July! Glad you had such a delightful weekend - especially the sleep-in. Ann :-)

  6. I love seeing your book stack diminish. That looks like a nice set of books. The only ones I know for sure I've read are the Phillipa Gregory and the Audrey Niffenegger. Enjoy!

  7. Hi Katie, Haven't been here for a while and just saw your stack of books. I really liked "Pillars of the Earth". I know that they did a series on it. My DH said the first few shows were confusing (he stays up late) so I haven't watched it. Good luck with your reading. Connie204
