
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

holiday sewing

Well, here it is, my first day being unemployed.  I have 2 whole days to burn before my internship starts (on Friday), so I'm going to try to keep myself busy so I don't have time to freak out over what I've done!

It was hard to walk out of my office yesterday and know I'd never be back, but I know to move forward with my plan it had to be done.  And I'm confident that good things are in my future, I just have to be patient to get there.

The hubby has this whole week off (vacation), so I expect he'll get up soon and want to go fishing, but I also have some quilty stuff to work on.

I was on a roll this weekend (you saw the finished argyle quilt and the bag) and decided I would try to use up the extra fabrics from the two baby quilts.  I bought a LOT because I didn't have a pattern and didn't want to run out and while I don't mind having a bit of fabric left over, this was on the order of yards and yards (total, not of each fabric!).

There is a charity called Quilts for Kids.  Downy partnered with them a few years ago and they got a lot of publicity.  They collect quilts to give to kids in hospitals.  Kids who are there for a long stay and have little else to comfort them.  If you're interested, check them out!

In about 26 hours, I had these tops done:

And my stack of leftover fabrics is greatly diminished!

Of course, I didn't work 26 hours straight on these.  I stopped to eat (even drove an hour each way, one way through a tornado, to get dinner), sleep and hang out with the hubby and kitties some.  It's a super simple pattern (free on the Quilts for Kids website and ingeniously cut so you waste the least and don't have to piece borders!) and it goes together really fast. 

So in these next two days, these are on the list to be quilted.  As fast as the argyle quilt went, I'm encouraged that I will have these done before I know it!

I also have the wedding quilt to quilt and that's going to be a much bigger job, but that's a good thing!  The longer it takes, the less time I'll have to worry about nonsense.  :)

While I was taking this photo (waiting and waiting and waiting for the wind to calm enough), I had some help...

This is Callie.  She's one of our barn kitties.  It's a little fuzzy because I had to zoom in a lot.  She's the friendliest of the bunch (she let me rub her belly the other day), but she's still very skittish and feral, and she was definitely supervising.

Happy quilting!


  1. Good luck with your new venture in Life. Your quilts are just wonderful!

  2. That was fast! Now I feel like a lump... Good luck with the internship.

  3. No doubt you will make the most of your time off! Those little quilts are great and will be much appreciated. Good luck on your new endeavor; I'm sure you will do well. Leaving a job and the friends there is always difficult, but I see you making lots of new friends wherever you are! ---"Love"

  4. First, good luck with the internship. Your confidence will take you a long way.
    Second, what a lovely trio of quilt tops. I thought of saying that I was amazed at what you had accomplished in just 26 hours, but I have become accustomed to amazing things from you.
    I hope Friday is a great first day!


  5. Good luck with the internship. You will do well. As always I love the quilts and I still don't believe you sleep. Keep those kitty pictures coming, they give me my kittie fix. My kitty I lost last Oct. was also named Callie.

  6. Way to go, Katie! Consider me your cheering section! A new phase in your life and quilts for kids. This woman deserves a round of applause!

    Love from Liri

  7. Best wishes on your internship, I know you will love it and only good things await. It is so hard leaving one job to move on to something else. When I retired it was hard saying goodby to the job I had for 25 years but I had a new husband and a big move to look forward to. It was worth it, even with all the anxiety of changes. You will do great!

    You did a great job on the three quilts. This is a much prettier pattern for donation quilts than others I have seen. Your fabrics make them extra fun!

  8. Love the finishes;) Don't fret over the know what you are doing;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  9. Good luck with the internship!
