
Saturday, June 25, 2011

halfway done and another quilt repeat

Three weeks down.  Halfway done!  So far so good with the internship.

I've applied for a few jobs.  This weekend I'll look for more (yes, there are some out there) and apply to take the certification exam.  I'll be glad when all this fussing is over and I can settle back into the world of gainfully employed adults!

But I still haven't touched my quilty stuff, so I'll do another repeat of a quilt those of you who have known me since the APQ days will know but hasn't been seen here on Blogger.

The Chicken Quilt

This quilt hangs on the wall at the base of my stairs.  It's pretty perfect for my old farmhouse - with my (empty) chicken coop in the backyard and big hip-roof barn behind the house!

It's official name is "The Sunnyside Chicken Quilt," published by Graywood Designs.  It was a block of the month quilt that had been done at a quilt shop we visited while at a family reunion quite a few years back.  They had extra kits and were clearing them out for half price - can't pass up a bargain like that!

It measures about 48" square.

This was my first go at needle-turn applique, so some of the pieces are a little wonky (see that chicken in the upper left - his pants are hanging a bit low...), but I learned both the technique and patience and you've all seens lots of proof of that since this blog started!  (To be completely truthful, my mom sewed down that windmill blade - those inside corners were nearly impossible then and still give me trouble now.)

When I finished it...well...I didn't label it, but I'm guessing about 2004.  That sounds about right.  :)

It was longarmed by my favorite, Bonnie Rhoby, and was the first quilt I took to her.  I told her to have fun and boy did she...there are swirls like wind around the windmill, there are tiny morning glorly leaves around the morning glories, and something a little different in each block.

The back fabric is so much fun.  I found it and knew it was perfect.

Time to go get the oil changed in the hubby's car...maybe today I'll find time to quilt?  (The hubby is working this weekend, so I will have more time to myself...)

Happy quilting,


  1. Love that quilt! Congrats on the halfway mark. Yeah, you'll quilt until the kitties get in the way, LOL!


  2. Who doesn't love chickens! It is a great quilt. Halfway done is fantastic. Have a great weekend, whatever you do.


  3. Hang in there, Kid; you'll be ready for the world when the internship is finished! What a fun quilt the chicken quilt is, and I do remember it from the APQ "olden" days! ---"Love"

  4. I don't think I saw that one on APQ. It is so cute. It really is perfect for an old farm house.
    Half way thru that internship. Yahoo!! I bet you will be happy to get settled into a new job after the exam.

  5. Your chicken quilts is adorable and the back is just the icing on the cake...good luck with the job...

  6. Your quilt has loads of character - how funky is that backing fabric! Good luck with your search for work. Ann :-)

  7. Happy Half Way Point!! Love the quilt, and the funky print on the back is really fun;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  8. Love the quilt! What a great sale find. (I can't get those inner corners to my satisfaction, either.)

    You're on the downhill side of the internship now! GL with the job hunt.

  9. I can't believe you are halfway done already. Congrats! I don't remember seeing the barn quilt before. It's perfect for your old farm house and is an impressive first attempt at needle-turn. My first attempt is still unfinished.

  10. By now you are another week finished with the internship! Hope you find a new job fast and easy. The chicken quilt is so cute, I love it!
