
Saturday, April 9, 2011

the quilt show - the loot

(If you're looking for photos of quilts from the show, see my previous post.)

So what did I get at the quilt show?  Lots of goodies!

That's a lot of stuff!  What's in there exactly?  Let's break it down...


"Furry Sweetness" by Holly Mabutas of Eat Cake Graphics
"Jack's Jungle" by Laura Blanchard of Plum Tree Quilts
"Dots O' Fun" by Connie Tesene nd Mary Etherington of Country Threads
"Butterscotch Tart" by Joanna Figueroa of Fig Tree Quilts
"Bella Luce" by Mary Hubka of Pressed for Time Quiltworks
"Star of the Mountains" by Tara Lynn Darr of Sew Unique Creations
"Eldon" by Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts

Patterns are better than fabric, right?  You can use them over and over!


"Simple Blessings" by Kim Diehl (for my mom's birthday, so shhhh!)

"Celebrate Great Quilts" by Karen Patternson Bresehan and Nancy O'Bryant Puentes (a thank you for answering a few survey questions during the show!) - no patterns but some beautiful quilts and history that I'll be enjoying soon.

Odds and ends:

"Goin' Sewin' Tote" pattern and kit - it makes a little wastebasket that folds down into almost nothing - great for quilt retreats (and a thank you for my mom for cat-sitting while we were gone, so shhhh! again!)

"The Union Quilters" by Jennifer Chiaverini - her newest book - yay!

And a little sock monkey because who doesn't want a little sock monkey?

Also, not pictured, some "Shut the He** Up" gum I bought for the hubby because it made me laugh.  And I knew he'd laugh, too.  (So random...)

Longarm stuff:

Black thread (for the wedding quilt)
Needles (b-o-r-i-n-g!)


On the way home, I was getting a bit carsick, so I asked to stop at a Wal-Mart about halfway home to walk around and get my stomach settled down.  I decided to look for these Sea Bands, though I didn't know what they were called.  They help relieve nausea using acupressure and though I can't say I was 100% better, I did feel lots better and will be using them again.  The rest of the trip was definitely significantly more comfortable!

The Steelers of the babies on the way will have parents who are HUGE Steelers fans, so this will be the back of that quilt - girl or boy.  I haven't been able to find it locally, but this Wal-Mart had an awesome fabric section (I could have spent another bundle there if I wasn't on a soom-to-be-unemployed budget!) and quite a few licensed fabrics.

So now I'm itching to be starting new projects, but plugging away at the applique.  I'm afraid I've bitten off more than I can chew with this project being a single month UFO, but I'm not going to let that stop me from working on it.  Eventually it needs to be done and now that I've started, I might as well keep going.

Time to go feed the hubby and then I think we're going to bundle up and take the boat out for a test run.  It's not nearly warm enough, but the hubby is itching to get on the lake and since he put up with me at the quilt show (he didn't go to the show, but he drove me and hung out in the hotel), I suppose this is a good payback!

Happy quilting,


  1. Oh my goodness....what loot it is...have fun!!

  2. wow, you did a lot of retail therapy. The book The Union Quilters looks very interesting. Do you get sea sick too? ;)

  3. I love getting goodies at quilt shows;) Looks like you had a blast;) Can't wait to see some of these as you put them together;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  4. Great patterns, I especially like Furry Sweetness and Jack's Jungle. Those would be adorable baby quilts! The other patterns are so pretty, too. All of your stuff is great! It was nice of hubby to take you to the quilt show and a little time in the boat isn't too hard to take! Keep working away at the applique and it will be done before you know it. I am working on a big hand applique project. It gets boring sometimes, but with each block I finish, I like it more.

  5. Oh, and did we have fun, LOL! Love shopping for quilty stuff. You going to share your patterns (hint, hint)?

    Laughingly Liri

  6. Looks like you got some great stuff! I liked your line - Patterns are better than fabric, right? You can use them over and over! But I think books are even better - they usually have more than one pattern! (Except yours, of course!)

    Good job on your applique! You know, you could always reset your goal to doing just one corner each month - between other things. Might take some of the pressure off - and you will still get it done - just at a slower pace. The deadline is imaginary anyway - it's just a game - and you can choose not to play. Quilting is supposed to be FUN - not stressful. Slow down and enjoy every stitch!

  7. Looks like you have lots of great new quilty stuff to inspire you. Jack's Jungle is especially adorable.
    Have fun on the boat!


  8. Great patterns! Some I have never seen before. That is why big shows are so much fun, you see things that might not be in your LQS.
    I have all of Kim Diehl's books. She came to guild last year or the year before and I took a class from her.
    Glad you found the sea bands and got home a bit more comfortably.
    You will have to review the 'The Union Quilters' for us. I have read all her books so far and I usually got her newest at the Chicago show. Just saw that she had a new book out.
    Happy boating.

  9. Looks like you are going to be busy for a while. Love the sock monkey! I'm going to have to keep an eye out for those. Keep at the applique and don't give up. It will get faster and easier I'm sure as you go and it will feel so good I'm sure to have it finished. I haven't decided if I am going to tackle my UFO this month. Too many new projects and other things going on. Good luck!

  10. What a haul you made! I didn't see a thing that you won't use, sooner or later! Looks like you had more time to shop than I had at Dallas! ---"Love"

  11. Great load of loot! I love shopping at quilt shows. I have Kim Diehl's book and another one by her. Love her designs. I definitely want to read The Union Quilters.

  12. That's a fantastic haul of goodies from the show Katie! Plenty to inspire you there. Ann :-)
