
Saturday, April 30, 2011

april UFO: still a UFO

Well, I predicted this mid-month, but here it is the end of April and my UFO for the monthly challenge is nowhere near finished.

Yes, I still have today, but I think if I sat and did ONLY that for the next 11 hours (until midnight), I'd have sore fingers and a STILL unfinished UFO.  So I'm throwing in the towel and I'm okay with that.

But let's review how far I have come, because I think I have accomplished a lot considering everything else going on around here.

I started out with this star (started around 2001),

this inspiration,

and these fabrics.

And here's where I am at now:

Two square corners complete, and a third (partially) pinned and ready to go.  Pieces cut and ready for the remaining one square and four triangle corners.

(For scale, those squares are cut 17" and I used a dime as the template for the yellow flower centers.)

I'll keep working on it in spare moments.  Now that it's started again, I really want to finish it.  Even if I have no idea what I'll do with it when it's done.

I hope the UFO chosen for May is simpler so I'll gain some time to work on this.  And I hope Judy doesn't have something fantastic to give away this month for those who finish because, though I never win, I sure don't want to miss out on the chance either!

And now, instead of working my fingers to bleeding on this, I'm going to go work on the "gargoyle" quilt and see if I can get that into a top!

Happy quilting,


  1. I think that you accomplished quite a lot in one month. Two complete corner squares - by hand - is no small feat. Good for you! (You got a whole lot more done on yours than I did on mine.;))

  2. You got a lot finished!!! You certainly should NOT feel bad for not completing this UFO in one month's time. It's a spectacular quilt that demands a LOT of work and will be amazing when you finish it. You don't want to shortchange it by rushing through the work. :)

  3. You made great progress and you are motivated to finish it, so I think that is great!
    I didn't get anything done this week.

  4. All that hand-aplique in one month, with or without craziness on the side, is nothing to sneeze at. The quilt will get done when it gets done, and it will be gorgeous.

  5. I think you ought to celebrate how must less of a UFO it now is. The blocks look amazing and getting started is half the battle to finishing!

  6. Oh my! I love your Lone Star and applique blocks. It will be a stunning quilt when finished. Lone Star is definitely on my wish list. Ann :-)

  7. I agree with the others. Although the quilt is not yet finished, you have a plan, and that is a really good thing.


  8. You did very well! The applique is stunning! So you didn't finish it for April? Big deal! The bug has bitten you and it will get finished this year. That's what you really wanted to do, right?

    Love from Liri

  9. That quilt is going to be spectacular! Can't wait to see it finished! ---"Love"

  10. I think you accomplished a lot! Hand applique takes way more time than it seems like it should (for me anyway). The important thing is that you moved it forward by a bunch, and that it's going to be lovely!

  11. Looks like you accomplished a lot in April! I have a couple of those UFO's that are probably impossible to finish this year -- I'm happy every time Judy doesn't pick one of them.

  12. What a challenge for you - I would not be finished either, but the quilt is going to be absolutely beautiful and you will definitely have a masterpiece. Good Job so far. Judy C

  13. Your quilt will be stunning - we all have some of these as UFOs for a reason, for sure. I had to take two months to finish a much simpler one in March than yours, so just keep working away at it. Enjoy the process ... easy ones will come up!

  14. Oh my - it's going to be beautiful!! Hey, you deserve kudos for what you have gotten accomplished... that's a lot for one month! Keep up the good work!

  15. If nothing else you are once again interested in the project and that is an accomplishment on its own!!! It will be beautiful.

  16. It is a great deal of accomplishment for a busy month, Katie! Love the colors and the setting. This Lone Star style quilt is one on my list but I'm not brave enough to tackle it yet!
