
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Travis's quilt

Born a few weeks early, little Travis wasn't welcomed into this world already having a finished quilt.  I was already cutting it close, and I'm sure you remember the scramble to get his baby quilt finished once he did arrive.

And then it sat and waited.  And waited.  And waited.  One thing after another kept us from visiting to finally give him (and his mom) his quilt.

Finally, Friday the hubby was able to stop by.  And so now I can show it off.  The final product!

Though you all will probably ooh and aah about how cute it is (and I agree), it was such a pain in the behind to get together, I'll never make this pattern again.  Well, not according to the directions, though I try not to make the same pattern twice because there are so many others out there.

The pattern is Baby's Bow Wow Blankie by All Through the NightIt finished about 40 inches square.  I quilted just inside each star and once around the outside of each doggie.  This was a biggie for me - the first quilt on my longarm to be given away, but I'm happy with the results.

Mom (of Travis) loved it.  That's probably the most important part.

And now the hubby has left for his business trip.  I was nearly pacing waiting for him to go because I wanted to set up a big table downstairs and spread out.  He wasn't even out of the driveway yet (I don't think) and I had already started work!

Two quilts, trimmed and ready for borders (ugh, long seams):

I hope to get the anniversary quilt quilted this week.  My plan is to learn how to use a pantograph on my longarm on this one.  I've watched some really informative YouTube videos by Penny Bubar and I think I'm ready to tackle this.

Better get my butt out of this chair or none of this will happen!

Happy quilting,


  1. The baby quilt is really adorable. I would never tackle it. Great job. Connie204

  2. Of course they loved it! It is adorable! Hope you get LOTS accomplished while your hubby is out of town.

  3. Travis's quilt is awesome!!!

  4. This is me OOhhing and aahhinhg over how cute the quilt is :) It really is. It's no surprise Travis' mom loves it. Enjoy spreading out in your space during your uninterrupted quilting time. Good luck with those long seams. I don't like those either!

  5. The doggie quilt is adorable, love the slinky dogs on it and the primary colors are great for kids! Enjoy your uninterrupted sewing time. My husband is going hunting next month so I am looking forward to some uninterrupted sewing time myself! Enjoy! ! !

  6. Enjoy your quilting time;) I too kick my hubby out the door to work so I can get back to the sewing table;) I am sure at one point he might have thought I had a sancho waiting;)LOL!!!! Only if the guy quilts....JK!!;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  7. Oooh, Ahhh, that's me over the doggie quilt! Glad things are working out with your longarm. Times awastin'! Get quiltin' while the hubby is otherwise occupied!


  8. Travis' quilt is just adorable, who wouldn't love it??
    Your poor hubby LOL. Have a great time sewing while he is away.

  9. Little Travis is a lucky baby. I hope you are having a wonderful quilty week. I love both of those quilts and can't wait to see them with borders. Using a pantograph should be a piece of cake for you.


    I almost forgot -- a few weeks ago I FINALLY made a Fruit Pizza. Everyone loved it!
