
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

snow day!

It's coming...

And I just got an e-mail from work containing this:

"Faculty, staff, residents/interns, graduate students should NOT come to work unless needed for essential functions."

And another with this (apparently they're covering their bases):

"At midnight, Feb. 2, [university] will switch to emergency procedures per the
university's emergency operations plan. Critical functions will be maintained, and only employees supporting those critical functions are expected to report to work Feb. 2."

The university has not cancelled classes since 1978 for snow (or so goes the rumor).  They were cancelled before I left work. 
I'm not sure when the last time they actually closed the university.  These e-mails came at 6:30 and 6:31 tonight.
Now I just have my fingers crossed that we don't lose power at home.
Know what I'm going to do between checking work e-mail periodically?
Happy quilting,


  1. Yea for a snow day! Enjoy your day(s) off. Stay safe and warm at home with your sewing machine. I baked cookies this afternoon and am now going through my fabric. It will be easier to decide what to work on if everything is organized better.

  2. I do NOT know how you folks stay operational so much of the time with weather like that. Schools in this area were closed today because of icey roads/streets, and have already announced they will be closed tomorrow, for which I'm glad! They just annouonced that today has been our coldest day in 15 years, and of course, tonight is supposed to be worse. Yet our weather has been no where as bad as yours! We just don't know how to deal with it; apparently your area does. I hope you stay safe; you will if you are quilting! *wink* ---"Love"

  3. Buckle down, and get your quilting stuff out;) Happy Quilting!!

  4. I remember snow days! I have lots of them now. Break out the hot cocoa and git to quiltin' girl!


  5. We're currently suffering from unusual hard freezes and rolling power outages -- not fun as this is not typical weather for where we live. It's barely going to get up above freezing today and then tonight is going to be another hard freeze. I don't know how people who live in colder climates deal with snow days... I am not sure if I could survive! LOL. :-)

  6. I'm looking at not getting plowed out til last this afternoon or later. I have at least a 6ft drift by my front door. They are asking that no one go out unless they have to. Connie204

  7. Old man winter is sure having a little fun at our expense. I hope your quilting goes well.


  8. Being literally snowed in...couldn't open my front door, drifts up to the hood of the car..well that was bad enough but we lost cable/wireless/phone service.
    Ahhh got plowed out last night. Service back today. Hope all is well with you.
