
Saturday, January 29, 2011

a quilty day

You know those online crafty stores that tell you specifically that their things come from a non-smoking, no-pet household?

If I had one, it would say "Anything that enters my house will undoubtedly leave with cat hair.  If you don't like cat hair, please don't order my stuff."

All fur aside, I've been busy.  There are quilts needing to be finished, so up early and get busy!  (Remember the "uh oh" post?)

Load the sherbet quilt...

...quilt, quilt quilt...


...this quilt really needs a!

Eat lunch.  Marvel that thread marketed for Serger sewing machines really did work on my longarm.  (A gal at the store where I purchased it assured me that she knows quilters with an HQ16 and a Gammil that both use it without trouble.  (I would have bought longarm thread, but they didn't have any white-white.)  The Innova is rumored to be the most tolerant of a variety of threads, so I tried it.  No more trouble with it than any other brand I've used so far and at $4.59 per cone, I'm thrilled!)

Take a deep breath and load the doggie quilt...

...quilt, quilt quilt...


(...something a quilter never wants to see...)

...scratch head...

...have a little chocolate...

(lightbulb!) bent over to add some extra fabric (about an inch, but most of you will remember the problems I had with this quilt top, so I wasn't entirely suprised)...thankfully just the right width...repin...

...quilt, quilt, quilt...


Clean up.  Find, sew, sew...trim extra fabric...


The wedding quilt plan may have changed.  Check out these quilts - all done with the same pattern, but different color placement.  I think the one with the red border is in the future of the engaged couple...

And the Feb 9th raffle for the sherbet quilt?  That was a bit of confusion and I think they're going to give it away nearer or at the relay...mid-May.  But I went ahead and finished it, knowing a finished quilt is much more marketable than an unfinished one. 

And now I'm going to watch The Other Sister and let these bindings slide for a few hours.  The hubby is at work this afternoon, so I'm going to take advantage of being able to watch what I want and sew these later when I can't.

Happy quilting,


  1. busy you, I was up and out early but had french and swimming lessons with the kids. Had every intention this afternoon of getting Dads quilt to the binding stage but ended up having a nap with the boys !!!! I wish I had a longarm it seems so much quicker. Does yours fold up at all ? Or do you have to keep it out all the time?

  2. You have been busy and it is paying off! Glad to hear you accomplished so much, good for you! My husband is out on a motorcycle ride with some buddies, I went shopping. I spend about $25.oo including lunch and came home with a little over 4 yards of fabric. Everything has been washed. When it is all dry, press and hopefully cut some of it.

  3. You might call the multi-coloured quilt Tutti Frutti -- I love the way it turned out. I would not have known how to quilt the puppy top, but you did a great job. I am still thinking about the sewing kitty video. I bet she is very good at free motion quilting!


  4. You sure are going from one project to both of those quilts!

  5. You weren't messing around today!! I had to laugh at your comment about a pet free home- I always think the same thing when I'm reading stuff on etsy. My creations would never have a chance with all the kitty hair here! hahah! Your quilts came out great! How about Sherbet Sunrise? Love how it came out! Happy binding and watching the Other Sister- now I totally want to break out that movie and watch it again. :) ~Christine

  6. That's the way to do it!! I can only dream of a long arm.... Tutti Frutti sounds like a good name. Love the quilts!

  7. Your quilting is looking great, and you are so fast! For a name, what about "A Serving of Sherbet"?

  8. Love the play by play blog of your day;) Good stuff;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  9. You had a productive day. I'm glad the little oops with the puppy quilt backing didn't completely derail your day! The quilts look great.

  10. Katie, you are really picking up on that longarm. Your projects are gorgeous! I love the name Tutti-Frutti for the sherbert quilt.


  11. Wow, you are so productive!

  12. You seem to be having so much fun and your quilts look terrific. Your kitties are adorable, if I see to many more pics,I might have to think seriously about a kitten, although I'm not quite there yet. I miss mine, but don't miss the hair, kitty litter, etc. Connie204

  13. I love the un-named quilt. It is so bright and cheery. Just what we need in the middle of winter to cheer us up.
