
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January book report

What a crazy day I've had.  Today was my first day back to work after 10 days of vacation and holidays off.  It was the first day back after the new year for everyone where I work, so essentially it was a Monday.  And what a MONDAY it was.

I'm exhausted, mentally and somewhat physically, but we'll leave it there.

It's time to review the book stack again!

The bottom of that yellow sticky note shows where the top of the stack was a month ago today.  (Now I have to remember to put one up for January...)

Anybody think I can make it by the next sale on July 4?
(I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!)

And with that, I'm going to go finish making dinner (new recipe, hoping it turns out well) and then sit down and turn my brain off for a bit.  I think after today I've earned it!

Happy quilting,


  1. I know you can make it....

    what did you make for dinner? I made the girls (and myself) these french fries I got the recipe from one of my pregnancy books where you bake them after tossing with egg whites and oil, I usually forget the oil, or use a little EVOO, and we had those french fried onion crusted chicken breasts (that I cut into small "chicken nugget" pieces, and they girls ate what HAD been almost two lbs of broccoli before I steamed it and added a little bit of butter....I had NONE and it's all gone!

    so I wanted to share, I need new dinner ideas!

  2. Katie, I don't know how you work all day, keep on sewing and reading. Do you sleep? Connie204

  3. You'll make it! I have no doubt! ---"Love"

  4. Go, Katie, go. July 4th is months and months away -- of course you will make it.


    What do you do if you come across a book that you really don't like?

  5. You will make it for sure. That stack will be gone ready for you to go get another one!
    Relax after the tough day. :)

  6. Glad you survived your day back. My whole office was off for 12 days and it's been exhausting trying to get back into the routine. If your week has been anything like mine I hope you have time this weekend to recover and curl up with a good book. You have made it through that stack so fast! Not much left. I think by July you'll be anxious for the book sale so that you can have some good new books to read.

  7. which of the books would you recommend?? I always love a good book!
