
Saturday, December 11, 2010

first quilt on the longarm!

Remember this quilt?

I had basted it about a year ago for quilting on my little machine, then chickened out.  I didn't know what to do and I didn't think I could do much anyways.

I stopped yesterday and picked up some thread.

So unpin, take a deep breath and GO!

I just stippled it around the trees, but it's quilted!

Only a few hours and a bunch of broken threads (learning as I go!) and I was ready to put binding on.

No more sending it off to a quilter and waiting weeks.  Or months.  Yay!

Then make some binding...

Printed diagonally so it looks like I fussed and cut it on the bias!

Trim the extra batting and backing...

Find a place on the couch and fight the kitties for use of the quilt to finish that binding.

Stop to make some dinner (mmm...meatloaf!) and blog, but I've got just a little more than one (short) side to go!

I'm pretty proud of myself. 

I sat down on the couch to work on it and within seconds Emma claimed my lap and the quilt.  I guess it passed THAT test!

The back is flannel.  When it's finished, I promise a good pic of the front and to show you those cute penguins on the back, too.

My feet hurt (I probably shouldn't have worn slippers, but my feet were cold and they seemed the warmest choice...) and my shoulder hurts a little (I tried and tried not to hold onto the machine with a death grip, but I kept having to remind myself...), but I will be snuggled under a Christmas quilt very soon.

And this is the third and final quilt I bought the fabric or kit for when I was on a shop hop last summer.  All three tops were pieced soon after purchase, but this one is the last to be truly finished.

I hope you're all staying warm (unless it's already warm where you are - it's COLD here!) and quilting away.  Or at least dreaming of all the quilting you'll be able to get to after the holidays.

Happy quilting,


  1. What a darling Christmas quilt! I love all the fabrics, and your quilting looks very "professional"! Certainly there's no need for you to send one out again! Great job! That should make your Christmas even more MERRY! ---"Love"

  2. What a great finish! Your Christmas quilt is very cute, and the binding fabric is perfect for it. You just have to take a deep breath and give it a go, so good for you! It just takes practice, practice, practice! Merry Christmas!

  3. I always wondered what happened to that quilt top. Your quilting looks great, and I like the striped binding, plus, it is already kittie approved. You can't ask for more than that.


  4. Oh, you should be proud of yourself...that is just awesome!!

  5. Congratulations for quilting your first quilt on the longarm! It looks great and is to bright and festive.

  6. Very cute quilt and I love the binding. Got scraps? LOL


  7. Glad you got a success from your new toy;) Before you know it, you won't have a UFO list!! I love the quilt...I can also see it in forest colors, or even just brights and stuff;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  8. You have a right to feel proud. That is a fun quilt to practice on too.

  9. Love that quilt. Your border is so cute. Is it pieced! You did a great job on the longarm. (I think getting over the death grip is the hardest part).
    By now you are snuggled under that quilt with a couple of kitties! purrrfect

  10. The quilt is adorable. It looks like you did a great job with your new longarm. I'm so jealous. I find quilting a large quilt so difficult on my regular sewing machine. Although I have seen alot of people that seem to have no problems. Maybe I just need lots more practice.Connie204
