
Friday, December 24, 2010

2011 UFO challenge

Judy over at Patchwork Times is having a UFO challenge for 2011.  I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring.  I don't have that many projects that aren't finished, but I'd like to have fewer.  So here's my list, in no particular order:

1. French Kiss Quilt in Bliss

2. Quilt from Pure jelly roll and charm pack.  Rose Garden and Garden Lattice from the book "A Baker's Dozen" are possibilities.

3. Birdies on a Wire quilt from Connecting Threads (it's quite a bit further along from this photo, but it's the only one I have right now!)

4. Lone Star quilt - needs to have squares and triangles that are background added.  I'm thinking something appliqued on there.  (This was done using the Radiant Star Quilt book by Eleanor Burns.)

5. Basket Case quilt - needs borders.  I'm thinking something like flying geese around one corner.

6. Blocks 1-4 of Lavender Mist quilt kit from JoAnn's
7. Blocks 5-8 of Lavender Mist
8. Blocks 9-12 of Lavender Mist
9. Put Lavender Mist blocks together (adjustments to numbering will be made if #9 is pulled before 6, 7 and 8 are done.)

10. Blocks 6-9 of Floral Breeze quilt kit from JoAnn's
11. Blocks 10-12 of Floral Breeze plus put top together (again with the number rearrangement if necessary)

12. Freebie month!  I can work on whatever hasn't been finished in a previous month or work ahead. 

And, so we're all clear what my definition if finished is: the top is in one piece.  I would love to quilt them all, but they take up lots of room that way.  When I decide what to do with them, I'll quilt them.

But there are a few quilts I've been eyeing to start this year, so why not list those?  (Because there's a chance they'll end up on the UFO list for next year!)

We'll go with ABCs just to keep things straight...

A. Hallowe'en 1904 (oh please let me be motivated to have this on my couch by October!)

B. A Kitten's Tale.  Oh how I love thee.  I need fabrics, though...where's that $1 fat quarter booth at the quilt shows when you need it?  This was such a splurge at the Chicago quilt show in 2009 and I'm sorry you can't see the photo well.  My camera is having a glare issue today.  :(

C. Tree Weave quilt from Connecting Threads.  My sis-in-law made this and has loaned me the pattern.  I LOVE it!  (The photo just doesn't do it justice.)

D. Garden Variety quilt.  I'm waffling with this one.  It's in the Summer 2010 issue of Quilts and More and now I see Fat Quarter Shop has a kit...uh oh!  But it's PINK and I'm not a girly girl, so if it was in blues and greens, I'd have it by now.   (Oh my gosh, wait, I just went to link to the kit and it's on sale.  Almost half KNOW by the time you've read this I'll have ordered it, right?  Please Santa, don't count this as naughty!  But does that make it a UFO now?  Oh dear!  Well, I guess now maybe month 12 won't be a freebie after all!)

E. Celebrate October quilt.  This another I'm not sure about.  I bought the pattern on a whim a while back and my mom and sis-in-law both like it, so I'm considering doing our own private BOM with it...

Not too bad, right?

Happy quilting,


  1. Sounds like you have a good plan to work with! It will feel so good to have them all put together and the new projects look like fun, too. Enjoy your quilty time!

  2. What an ambitious plan! Looks like you have your work cut out for you - Hee Hee! Your fabrics and patterns are wonderful. I'll have to check out the challenge, however, I kind of doubt if I am brave enough to join it. We'll see. I really should make an honest list of my UFO's. I also have several want-to-do quilts, of course. I have signed up for a Jo Morton class at a LQS, so that will be fun. I've never done one of these monthly classes (except for one BOM). Good luck with your challenge!

  3. I love that lone star you have going there;) Have fun with the challenge;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  4. That's a fabulous selection of projects Katie! I'll enjoy seeing you work your way through these. Have a wonderful Christmas, Ann :-)

  5. Great projects!!! I love your lone star!.
    I have joined the Pat Sloan forum and onetopic is UFOs. Maybe it is because we have too many projects and too much fabric, but it is not a UFO unless you have cut into the fabric.
    Good luch on the challenge. I know you will be getting them all done.

  6. Boy, you are feeling ambitious, aren't you? You've made excellent choices; all are really nice. Somehow that Basket Case intrigues me; I love geometrics, and I've looked at that a long time, figuring it out. Very interesting! Good luck with your plans. I have no doubt; you will finish them all! ---"Love"

  7. Sounds good to get them all to top stage!

  8. Goodness, what a great list you have! My list is full of projects that have a lot of piecework still to go. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress this year!
