
Saturday, November 27, 2010

one thing, one week challenge 5: met!

Once again, Amy has gotten me to get into my sewing room and finish something I've been putting off.  (And shouldn't have been.)

Amy's Creative Side

The keychain wallets are done.

Plus one for me!

I plan to add a few other goodies besides the gift cards. 

What would you put in there?
I'm drawing a blank after lip gloss...

I also whipped up a book bag this morning.

The friend who loaned me the first two Twilight books is bringing me the second two tonight.  (We're going bowling...yay!)  We got to talking and, long story short, I'm going to loan her some of my favorite books back.  But we don't have many plastic grocery bags since we purchased the cloth-like ones and those we do get are used for litterbox scoopings.  What to do?

Wait, I'm a quilter...pull out that bundle of fat quarters I'm not sure why I ever bought and whip up something.  I made all but one handle/strap from a single fat quarter.  And the bag could probably have been made the 3 inches narrower to make a second strap if I made it again!

Off to change my pants before bowling.  Lunch at A&W with the hubby and nephew turned a little messy when our waitress dumped my pop in my lap...  She was embarassed, but I just laughed.  There a 50/50 chance I'll do that to myself!

Happy quilting!


  1. Great finish and they all look so cute all lined up! The girls are going to love them. Besides the lip gloss or chap stick, maybe you could include some hair clips, nail polish, a small comb, nail file or any of those small items. Check out the cosmetic aisle at the drug store or department store. Maybe even a small bottle of perfume. No matter what you put into them, I'm sure they will be a favorite gift. The book bag was a great idea, too. Very cute and useful.

  2. The little wallets are so cute! I'm trying to think of something to put in them. How about a short pen or pencil, a tiny flashlight, fingernail clippers, short fingernail file...

  3. Those keychain wallets are really cute! You are so creative and determined! ---"Love"

  4. The wallets are so cute! Good for you getting them all done. My girls like funky colors of nail polish.

  5. The little purses are great...congrats on meeting another challenge;)
    Being able to whip stuff up like that book bag is what our stashes are for;)
    And the soda in the lap....not much you can really do besides laugh at those kinds of mishaps;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  6. Your "Purse Thingies"turned out wonderful. I made one yesterday afternoon as a trial. I'm having trouble with the binding being so bulky and not coming together nicely at one end of the zipper, where it closes. I'm going to try again today. Yours are so pretty and I love the strappy look. I'm so jealous. I also have to get over to Michaels for the keychains. I will probably do that tomorrow. Thanks again, Connie204

  7. Those little wallets are too cute. I was thinking nail polish or maybe some sweets (little packs of chocolates or jellybeans) to add to the gift cards.


  8. Oh how darling! There are small bottles of lotion at Bath and Body. :o) Little package of m and m's too. :o)

  9. Very cute! I have made many of those over the past couple of years but never thought of using pieced fabric...I love it! Also, the gift cards are a wonderful addition :)

  10. great wallets and bag, congrats on completing your challenge week goal! I would put some money, loose change maybe some other personal items would fit too. great fabrics for all of them, i like the little window too!!

  11. What great wallets! Congrats on meeting your goal. Enjoy the twilight books, I love them!

  12. I cant wait to try one of those adorable wallets!

  13. I love how quilters can just "whip something up" on the spur of the moment.....congrats on finishing the wallets.

  14. Wow, those keychain wallets are awesome! Great fabrics, and I especially love the charm pulls!

  15. Love those little wallets! Super cute finishes :)

  16. Love the idea of your keychain wallets. I'll have to remember that.
    When I go out and eat, I never leave the place without wearing part of my food on me. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  17. I always feel so badly for people when things like that happen! I'm glad you're the type of person who can laugh it off. Accidents happen, but some people get SO ANGRY and hurtful over it.

    You're getting some great suggestions for things to put into those wallets. I would also suggest little note pads. Various craft or dollar stores often have cute & inexpensive monogrammed note pads that would probably fit nicely.

    But the wallets are so cute, I doubt they need any extras in them!

    ~ Meagan
