
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

just what I needed

That challenge was just what I needed.  (Go ahead and join yourself - there's still time and she's giving away a charm pack to one lucky participant who finishes their own challenge!)

Last night I made good progress on the keychain wallets.

Tonight I have to deconstruct these cheesy Dollar Store keychains to be able to repurpose them for this much cuter application.

But when I found them and saw the D-ring and the little flower, I couldn't think of anything better for the wallets.  Each of the 3 girls that are sisters will get a different color, which I hope will minimize arguments later!

And I had a nice suprize in the mail today.  It was actually sitting by the door, so I didn't realize it was here until I was almost to the house.

A highly recommended reference for my new longarm machine and, because if you spend enough at Amazon, shipping is free (please don't question my math!), a book on amigurami.

I've seen these little amigurami guys every here and there and they're so adorable, I've decided to learn to crochet well enough to make them.  The little guy on the book cover is nowhere near as cute as some of the projects inside, but I chose this book because it looked like it had some really awesome picture directions in the back.

Because you see, my math skills are not only good for calculating how to save on shipping (book + shipping would have been less than both books...), they are also good for figuring out where I have free time to teach myself to crochet!  (I do have time off from Christmas through New Year's, so maybe then?)

Off to feed the hubby dinner and then get back to the sewing room.

Happy quilting!


  1. Glad you are having so much fun right now;) And I think I went to a similar math school;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  2. I like your way of doing math, it's much more fun! You are making great progress. I just got back from our trip, so maybe tomorrow I can do something more fun while I'm catching up on laundry.

  3. I'm guilty of that kind of Amazon math too :) I figure for the little extra I spend to get the free shipping I get a tangible book instead of one-time can't-use-it-again shipping. Your keychain wallets are going to be great gifts. Good luck with your new longarm, I hope the book helps.

  4. You must have an "inquiring mind"! With all you do, now you are going to teach yourself to crochet? and operate the new long arm? What determination! I'm proud of you. I need some of it! ---"Love"

  5. Katie,lots of great how to clips on You tube. I am sure you could find some on crochet.
    I like how you do math.
    The little wallets are so cute. They will be loved.
    Happy Turkey day
