
Thursday, October 14, 2010

it's about time!

In my mailbox FINALLY today.

Your package will go out Saturday, Kathleen.  Sorry again (for the billionth time) about the delay.  Truly I never expected this.  But your box has gotten fuller the longer I've had it, so you're getting (I hope) plenty of goodies to make up for the delay!

And a short maybe too long note regarding the online quilt shop I used.  The Quilt Shoppe (I won't link to it; I refuse to help someone like this) has a blog, In Stitches.  They're on my blog list because of a Blog Bingo event they did earlier this year.  The gal who runs the shop posted recently that, as her life has changed, she's decided to give up her online store, which prompted me to check out what they had (it was all on sale) and decide to purchase something for my giveaway.  In this particular post, she went on about how the dismal customer service she recieved at another online quilt shop prompted her to start her own shop.  I find it so sad that her service to me wasn't much better than what she got.  While I did get an e-mail (two, in fact) confirming my order, more than a week later I had to contact the shop to see if my order had been processed, shipped or thrown away.  Though the reply came back within 24 hours that my package would ship "tomorrow morning", that e-mail came on Thursday of last week.  I also never recieved an official confirmation of shipping, a tracking number or anything.  And to top it all off, I opened my credit card bill today and saw that the charge for this honey bun was posted to my card on 9/28.  Yes, the day after I ordered it.  A week and a half before it "shipped."  While I understand there were probably a lot of people ordering all at once, this should have been anticipated and a simple "thanks for your order, we're really busy and it will ship soon" e-mail after a week of waiting would have been enough to pacify me enough that, had it still arrived just today, I would likely not be so frustrated (and would not be posting about it).

But I'm happy it has finally arrived.  And it looks fine.  I don't have to chase them down asking for my money back.  Small blessings.  :)

But I had considered ordering a few more goodies for myself, as the prices are getting lower.  (Though the selection is also getting slimmer.)  I'll go spend my money elsewhere.

I won't let this ruin my online purchasing.  I've had very good experiences with Connecting Threads, Chickadee Shops and a couple other online quilt shops that I don't remember the names of.  (But wish I did now so I could put their links here too.)

In other news, Amy of Amy's Creative Side has posted about a need for receiving blankets her friend Amy has.  I dug out some flannel I'd bought for a project that never got made...

Washed it. 
Followed directions from a link on the 2nd Amy's blog and...

...two blankets were born last night.

I'm going to keep going until I run out of time (heading to the post office Saturday) or flannel.

Though I don't usually get involved in projects like these, this one seemed perfect for what I have and what I can do.

Time to go wash those dishes so I can get some sewing done!

Happy quilting,


  1. Thank you very much Katie! They are adorable!

  2. Sorry to hear about all the trouble with the online quilt shop. I had really great service with Quilters Roost, hope that isn't the one you have issues with. I love the little flannel blankets, they are really cute!

  3. Glad you got things settled and off your chest! I love those flannels! ---"Love"

  4. Glad you finally got your order. The sad part of the story is that a little communication is all it would have taken to be a different experience. Ahhhh well.
    Adorable flannel blankets.
    Happy stitching

  5. I love Fat Quarter Shop...LOVE IT!!!

  6. I love making receiving blankets! So easy and fun;)
    I don't like bashing businesses or people, but when they fall short of expectations, I think it's only fair to share that sort of information with other people. Money is tight in these time's, and when we choose to spend it with a business, the consideration that we are trading our hard earned money for their goods instead of somewhere else, they should remember that and act accordingly.
    Happy Quilting!!
    p.s. looking forward to the box;)

  7. Thanks for the link on the receiving blankets. To round my corners, I trace or rotary cut around a dinner plate. It makes cute corners and the decorative stiches mean I don't have to worry too much about how straight my lines are and gives me a chance to use those rarely used fun stiches.
