
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

i forgot!

A few weeks back I mentioned my mom had gotten me some fabric for my birthday, but I never showed you.  I forgot!

A roll of fat quarters and two coordinating one-yard cuts.  Very fall.  Not sure what I'm going to do with this yet.

And a jelly roll.  I have ideas for this one!  Inspiration here.

So next week the hubby has meetings in Chicago.  I'm debating going with him, but to be sure I can go, I've taken the whole week off work.  That means a week of sewing (because even if I go, he'll be in meetings most of the days, so I'll be sewing in the hotel room!)...

I've got a list...

(in no particular order)

1. the hubby's quilt
2. doggie baby quilt
3. birdies on a wire quilt
4. fabric wallet
5. itty bitty bags for Christmas gifts
6. Origins quilt
7. flannel scraps quilt for Project Linus
8. basket case quilt
9. hats, scarves and mittens from fleece for Christmas

You know I won't be waiting for Monday to start, right?

And my challenge for myself is to get the doggie parts sewn onto the doggie quilt.
(2 down, 2 to go)

My mom has made quite a few quilts for Project Linus, so I'm going to see what I can do with the scraps left over from making receiving blankets.

I'll need to get patterns for the hats, scarves and mittens I think I'm going to make for the nieces and nephews for Christmas this year, but JoAnn's has patterns on sale right now.  Yay!

I've also planned a stop at a local-ish quilt shop that has lots of modern stuff to get more Origins for borders.  (Fingers crossed they have what I need!)

And I'm terrified to tackle the zipper in the Itty Bitty bags, but I'll see how the first one goes...

I'm excited.
A week of no work.
Ideas for other quilts are flying around in my head again today.
(That sock monkey fabric is calling to me...)

So I'll be busy!  And if I'm not too inspired to stop, I'll share pictures!

In the meantime, it's back to the doggie parts to make that challenge.  (Have you seen what she's giving away to one lucky participant who meets their goal?  No?  Well, don't go look because I really want to win it and if you see it and join in, my chances go down!)

Happy quilting,


  1. I almost think you are egging me (us) on here with your one week, one challenge goals, your sewing list for one week off of work, and all the happiness you give off in your blog posts;) I will have to think on the one thing one week challenge. I think I have some doables here on my table.
    Enjoy the week off from work, and get as much done as you can without stressing on it;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  2. Your birthday fabrics are beautiful, really like the fall colors. You have lots to keep you busy, enjoy your time off. If you go to Chicago with your husband, be sure to enjoy some good food while you are there. I do miss some of my favorite Chicago restaurants. Can't wait to see pictures of your progress!

  3. Great birthday fabrics! Love that jelly roll and the inspiration quilt.

    If you come to Chicago, let me know. I can show you some local quilt shops. Just email me and I'll send my #. (
    If you stay home, have fun sewing.

    I might join that challenge this time.

  4. Yummy fabrics, and thanks for the link to the Basket Case quilt. Enjoy your week of sewing :0 I really thought this week looked good for me to sew but somehow life has been intruding! -Joanne

  5. Those fabrics your mom gave you are simply gorgeous; not ordinarily my choice of colors, but I do love those fabrics!
    Have fun during your time off from work. Sounds like you have a plan and are sticking to it! Wish I would do that! ---"Love

  6. I own that jelly roll...I used it for some cute!!!

  7. I love the fabrics your Mom gave you. The jelly roll colors will make a great quilt. Enjoy Chicago if you go. If you don't enjoy the week of sewing. Connie204
