
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

the book stack

I almost forgot to show you the book stack this month!

A day late, but not bad, right?

Not much different from last month, but I've had other things going on that kept me from reading.

And I'm working on The Aloha Quilt.

But, Thursday through Saturday this week my local library is having a book sale.

Uh oh...

Their selection is smaller, but prices are better, so we'll see how this stack grows.  I suppose I'll have to post an update once I've been shopping!

Happy quilting (and reading)!


  1. There is now way I could spend that much time reading;) I'm almost jealous;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  2. Looks like you still have some good reading to do. Could be dangerous for your book pile if you go to another sale. LOL
    Nothing better than bargain books, except maybe bargain fabric.
    Happy stitching and reading

  3. Gee, I never have time to read anymore, as much as I'd like to anyway. I don't know how you do so much! ---"Love"

  4. I noticed 'The Stone Diaries' by Carol Shields in your stacks. I think I have read all of her work -- sadly she passed away a few years ago. Her daughter, Anne Giardini, writes too.


  5. You'll be delighted to know that since you last showed us your stack I haven't read a single page of my book stack. least I'm consistent. Have fun at the sale! Ann :-)

  6. Katie, what do you do with the books you have read?


  7. Wow, I'm trying to finish a library book that is due back there in three days! It's a Jeffrey Deavers book and very good, just finding the time has been a challenge. It is amazing how much you get accomplished. Enjoy!

  8. Ive been reading loads too, well for college Ive just finished Dracula and started Frakenstein, we are doing Victorian Gothic novels. I'm also doing a comparative essay on mad women, lol so just got Turn of the Screw to start as well . Karen x
