
Saturday, September 18, 2010


I've been doing no quilting lately.  I seem to go in spurts.

Yesterday I went to a quilt show after work.  I thought it might inspire me and I did see a lot of fantastic quilts (forgot my camera again).  I was inspired, but not enough to sew yet...

But I did pick up these:

I also got a couple of Halloween prints.  You'll see them soon.  I have plans.

And then today my nephew had a football game in a nearby town with a quilt shop.  The game was cancelled on account of lightning, but I still went to the quilt shop.

I seem to have an owl problem lately.  But that pattern was too cute to pass up.

Sorry the colors aren't great.  Still working to find that "sweet spot" for indoor photos...

I have no plans for any of these fabrics, they just caught my fancy. 

Though I'm not inspired, I should probably get busy on that Halloween project...

(But the kitties say it's a dreary, cold day and we want to snuggle on you.  All of us at once.  We're sorry if that keeps you from moving and makes your legs fall asleep, but we LOOOOVE you!)

Happy quilting,


  1. There's nothing like kitty looooove.:) Enjoy being inside on a cold dreary day. My daughter is looking over my shoulder and says she loves your owls. Me too! -Joanne

  2. Oh,those clever kitties! Love the new fabrics!


  3. I love that fabric with the owls on it and the owl pattern, too. I have seen a lot of owl things lately, guess everyone is on the same track! Hope you are inspired to quilt soon, those are some lovely fabrics to play with!

  4. Oh your purchases...just love them!

  5. Those kitties can be awfully convincing! :) I love all your finds. It seems owls are everywhere right now. Happy Halloween quilting!

  6. I thought maybe I was the only one to buy fabric with no idea of what I'll do with it! I'm sure you will come up with a good idea for using them, but I hope you are better at that than I am. I have drawers full waiting for ideas! *wink* ---"Love"

  7. the pcis are great! I have an aweful home for indoor shots, I keep thinking I should clean out the garage a bit in the winter the snow lets so much light in there but the house faces the wrong way.

    I LOVE the owls lately but no motivation. I havent' been able to sew lately, the house is such a mess and I have been working too much at work lately. my 26-32 hours a week please wiht one or two weeks close to 40 if you need it is 38-39.5 hrs/week with one day off. (of course except last week where I had FOUR and left the kids behind!)


  8. I love novelty fabrics like that;) I, too, have seen owls everywhere lately...very cute;)
    Inspiration....what can I does seem fleeting at times;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  9. Great fabrics. I love the owls, I have been seeing them everywhere too. Don't worry about taking a creative break... sometimes ya just gotta recharge. And you finished a lot of projects lately.
    Enjoy the kitties, those yucky days are great for reading and snuggling.

  10. Isn't it a good thing that a little lightning does put off a trip to the fabric shop! Love your owl prints - they are so *now*. As for kitty snuggles - well you just have to answer the call. Cheers, Ann :-)
