
Friday, August 6, 2010

this and that

I still can't believe I won.

Here's a link to a shop that has good photos of all the lovely fabrics in this charm pack.  (Never shopped there, just googled it.)

Totally outside my norm, but I'm going to figure out something to do with it.  I have half an idea, but too many other quilts that need to be finished before I can do more than think.

Next, the thank you package from Kathleen:

Unexpected and completely unnecessary, but I love it! 
Thank you!!!!

I'm thinking totebag...

And then there's happy 9th anniversary to us:

The hubby has been bugging me about getting a flat screen TV.  I caved AND let him upgrade the DirecTV to get a DVR. 

He's got the old TV in his bedroom, along with the PS3, so I'll probably never see him again.  (He's kinda like a teenage boy that way...)

The baby quilts are coming along.  Having my quilty stuff set up in the living room seems to be better motivation than being in the sewing room.  Maybe it's because I can't ignore it?  I hope to have the second top finished by the end of the weekend.

Happy quilting,


  1. won't see him unless he's hungry;) My hubby loves video games. I keep them set up in the living room (no tv's allowed in the bedroom since day one), and we can spend time "together" even though we are doing different things;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  2. Happy Anniversary! The new TV is very exciting, enjoy it. And congratulations on the win. The Moda fabric is way outside my usual choice, too, but it will be fun to see what you decide to make with it. Some of the fabrics are really pretty, others are different. The kitty fabric is really neat, how nice of Kathleen to think of you. It would make a really nice tote bag.

  3. Nice new TV, Happy Anniversary.
    We got those charm packs at the store, but are waiting for bolts...maybe they arrived this week. I know you will come up with a great project for them.
    Sew on

  4. You're going to love that nice TV and DVR! I have mine set to record every NEW quilting show forever! Then I can watch when I want to, or delete. The floral fabrics are lovely, and that cat fabric will make a fun little quilt! ---"Love"

  5. Happy Anniversary! I've been wanting a flat screen for a long time, I'm really jealous. My DH tells me that our TV's are fine and not til one breaks down. I guess economy wise he's right! Darn. I love the charm pack, a tote would be great. When I got my charm pack from Ann, I've decided on a tote, too. I really love the Laurel Birch Cats. I still have some of her cats in flannel. I loved all of her series. Have a great weekend and enjoy that flat screen. Connie204

  6. Happy Anniversary!! My hubby is like that with his "toys" too. We have a room that is his "man cave". We agreed he could have that room and the rest of the house is mine. :)
    Congrats on your win! What will you do with them?

  7. At least you will know where he is! Great fabrics - I'm sure you will make some exciting projects with them. Ann :-)
