
Sunday, August 1, 2010

quilty day report

What was that $70 of fabric in my washing machine?

All new!

(Playing with photo editing software today...)

What did I do with them?

sashing = 1.5"
black border = 2"
print border = 6"
finished top = 82" square

The pastels are for the twin baby quilts.  One will be more green, one will be more blue, but otherwise the same.  (Pattern selection in earlier post.)

Then what did I do?

Added a few borders.  (Inspiration here for those who have asked.)
Finished 66x69, I think.

Then what?

Skitter is "helping."

Two items off my list of 14.  Though those first two quilts I showed are just tops, they're for me, so they're finished as far as my list was concerned.  Yay!

Back to the machine...I hope to finish quilting the I Spy today.  Maybe even get the binding sewn on (the machine part at least).

Happy quilting,


  1. You have gotten a lot done. Love the print border for the swap quilt, that is really a fun print and I love black in a quilt. The fabric for the baby quilts is soft and pretty, those will look great. The striped quilt top is really looking good, too. The "word" fabric makes a great border. All done with Skitters help, good kitty!

  2. Very productive!!! I love the border your picked for the APQ quilt. I can't wait to see it finished :) Christine

  3. I love the border and sashings you chose for the swap block quilt!!
    Looks like Skitter took the universal position for cats when work is being done on a quilt;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  4. What a productive quilty day. I love your fabrics and waht you've done with them so far. Those baby quilts are going to be very sweet. -Joanne

  5. You certainly have been busy! All your choices are great for your projects. Is the race on now for the APQ finish? I can't wait to see them all! (Seems like I've asked that before. (?) ---"Love"

  6. Looks like you had fun with that software. Are you prepared to share its name? You are powering through the quilts Katie and making some fantastic projects. Ann :-)

  7. The APQ swap quilt looks really good! Love your sashing and borders.
    You are really sewing fast on your sew day. Love the baby quilt fabrics. Can't Skitter help you bind the quilt?
    Keep stitching

  8. What lovely fabrics -- can't wait to see the baby quilts. I think I might like to try your circle method, as well.

