
Thursday, July 29, 2010

slow but steady

For all those of you saying you expect the second I Spy to be together by the end of the week, I laugh.  I do have a full-time "real" job and a husband, remember! 

So far:

Yesterday I found out I won the giveaway over at Amy's Creative Side for participating in the One Thing, One Week Challenge.  I honestly joined to force myself to work on the I Spy quilt.  I figured if I told someone else about it, I'd feel more accountable.  I've said before I rarely win things, but it seems that with this second win maybe I should be buying lottery tickets?

I'll show a pic when the charm pack arrives.  It's something SO far out of character for me, but I think I already have a plan for it!

So you know what that means...I'll be having another payback giveaway here soon!  I've got ideas for what, I just have to make time to make them!

Tonight I'll be basting the first I Spy quilt.  I can't wait to dig in a quilt it still!

And tomorrow I'll be heading out after work to buy fabrics for the twin baby quilts I've been asked to make.  Those little ones are being stubborn and mom still doesn't know girls or boys, but the friend who asked me to make them (future auntie to the self-conscious twins) said pastels are what mom likes and blue, green and yellow would be great.

My pattern:

From the book "The Little Box of Baby Quilts" by Jenny Wilding Cardon.  I've made this one before for a dolly quilt, but this time I'm going to make it as written!

Off to baste and sew on some more circles...

Happy quilting,


  1. The round I Spy reminds me of planets. It's going to be a great quilt! The Little Log Cabin quilts in pastels will look fantastic in pastels. Have fun!

  2. Your round I Spy is super, I love the background fabric and the circles are so fun! You have some really neat novelty fabrics in there. Can't wait to see more.

    Congratulations on your win, that is exciting, too. The pastels in the Little Log Cabin will be very pretty, it is a really nice pattern.

  3. The multicoloured ladybug fabric caught my eye, and those circles look perfect. You must be related to 'Wonder Woman' -- perhaps she is a distant cousin. You accomplish more in a day than I do in a good month!


  4. I took a look at those charm squares you fun!!! I love that quilt pattern you have penciled in for the twins. And,'s okay to take a week off from screaming-quilting as I call it;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  5. Those circle blocks are so cute! Did anyone notice the pink cupcake one (second in bottom row) looks like a face, winking one eye? So cute! I can't wait to see that quilt finished! The Little Log Cabin is going to be a fun quilt too. ---"Love"

  6. I really like your circle blocks. I have never attempted circles, maybe one of these days. I can't wait to see the baby quilts, I know they will be great. Connie204

  7. OK, so I like those circle blocks too. How do you make 'em? Give over, girl. LOL.


  8. Hurray! Two wins! you're on a roll!! and Congrats - it feels extra good doesn't it! I admit it does to me! heehee

    I LOVE your I-Spy! I just started saving some blocks for one as I went through my stash for making a 9-patch. I think my squares are too small though - How 'big' are your circles? Just wondering.

    Thanks for sharing - i Love it!

  9. Oh no,...I really like the I spy circles too. Hope I have enough novelty fabric left for this one too. I hope you will share the circle size and your applique method for this one.
