
Monday, July 5, 2010


The cherry pie turned out, um, pretty well.

(Recipe from here.  Minus tart cherries and 1/4 cup sugar, plus sweet cherries.  Pie crust compliments of Pillsbury.)

Beware, 425 for 1 hour, 10 minutes is TOO long.  I made blackened cherry pie.  The hubby likes things burnt (cookies, toast, etc.), so he actually loves it.  It is good and not that looks worse than it is.  Really.  It's edible.

I started the first book in the stack today: Revolutionary Road.  I'll report when it's finished.

I wish I was quilting more, but it's too hot to do anything more than lay on the couch and savor the blissful breeze.  Not that it helps much...

But I do have projects planned. 

(Still working on the charm square quilt.)

Also, I purchased another dolly for the July installment:

I'm going to do the pattern pictured, but use green, yellow and orange.  "Summer Slice" instead of "Orange Slice" in the book.  From Me and My Sister's Fun Quilts book.  The citrus slices will probably be borders and backing, though I haven't entirely planned this out yet.

And then there's a picnic quilt for my friend's daughter. 

That solid is "Majestic Purple" but you'd never know it from the colors here.  It's going to be an I Spy quilt inspired by this one.  I cut the squares today and then left the sewing room.  There are no super girly fabrics in there...hmmm... 

Her birthday is in November, but they were here for a picnic Memorial Day and she loved a similar picnic quilt my mom had brought, so though it will be the wrong time of year, she's getting a picnic quilt.  And hey, you can have indoor picnics all year round!

I'm still waiting to hear about the sexes of the twins I've been asked to make quilts for.  And did I mention that the person asking me to make the quilts is also pregnant?  Strange that she didn't mention it, but of course she'll be getting a quilt, too.  (See Kathleen, babies do come in bunches for me, too!)

Now if I could motivate myself to do something other than sweat.  No A/C here.  99% of the year, that's just fine with me.

Happy quilting!

PS  From all the comments I've gotten, it seems quilters are also often avid readers and sometimes have a book stash as well.  Glad to know I'm not alone!


  1. I'd be happy to have a slice of pie. The Summer Citrus quilt is a terrific pattern and I really like the one you have chosen for your I Spy quilt. That's a fantastic shade of purple. Ann :-)

  2. Pie is always good, my favorite is apple. The Summer Citrus quilt sounds great, can't wait to see how it turns out. The picnic quilt will be cute, too. I love the alien fabric, it is darling!

  3. I commented on your last post but it hadn't come up???? wierd!! Basically I said read The other Boelyn Girl cos I live just round the corner from their home Hever Castle and Anne Boelyns father is buried in the churchyard, minus his head off course! Does your DH eat all the burnt bits of lasagna as well?

  4. Hey, I make burnt cherry pie, too, LOL! Love the citrus fabric. How can you survive without air conditioning?


  5. I think I could eat a piece of that pie too ---wish I had it right now!
    It's nice to know you are staying on schedule with your dolls and little quilts. (Wish I could say the same for my Christmas schedule!) ---"Love"

  6. Your new dolly is so cute. I just used some charm squares and fabric from that line to make my friend's birthday bag.
    I like your I spy pattern. I have made a few versions of I spy quilts and they are all fun. She will love it.
    I hope the heat breaks soon for you. Until then happy reading.

  7. Cherry pie is my favorite. I will have to try the recipe when it cools down. I can remember not having a/c when I was a kid, but now I can't even imagine since it's in the 90's here.
    Your doll quilts are always so cute. Connie

  8. Love the citrus print you have;) I burn stuff all the time. I just tell my husband that the charcoal cleans out your inards anyway;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  9. NO AC!!! AHHHHHH! I hope it cools off for you. Last week it was in the 100's here. Ridiculous. I love the fabrics you have out for the quilts. Pies never seem to come out for me- they are either too dry or soup. Enjoy your book! :)
