
Sunday, July 11, 2010


Until today, if you'd asked, I would have told you I consider my quilting skills advanced.  There are few techniques I've not tried (inset corners comes to mind) and none I won't try (hexagon paper piecing - ewww).  So I thought Summer Slice would be cake.

I'm pretty handy at figuring out a quilt from a picture.  I should have known that my inability to figure out this one without the book was a sign...

I needed to make the blocks smaller, so I figured and figured.  I decided on a size to cut triangles and strips and squares and then went digging through my stash.

Not enough orange anywhere, but ooh, this yellow is perfect and I like how this green has glittery stuff in it - makes it look like juicy fresh fruits...  And, oh, this leftover off-white is perfect and look, a small strip of orange to just add a little punch!

But oh dear, that off-white isn't large enough to cut that size squares-to-be-triangles.  Okay, I'll just make it a little smaller...

No, that's not right, maybe if I cut rectangles and sew 1/4" from center across them...  Well, that's NOT a square...

Maybe this size?  Aah, yes, finally!  Now what did I cut again?  But where I my seam ripper again?  Maybe I should just take a nap...

No, no, keep working.  The hardest part must be behind you.  (I think I said that for every step!)

Argh...look, I chopped those points off.  Poo.  Well, it's just gonna be that way.  Remind me not to make this one again for a long time.

It's finished, but don't look close.  And I feel like those borders look like an afterthought, not part of the plan.  It's just a top because, again, I've run out of batting leftovers (don't you go getting any ideas Mary!), but it can wait.  Bigger quilts are in the works.

So, after this, I've demoted myself to intermediate-level quilter.  And I'm going to drown my sorrows in some cookies I baked earlier.

(But don't eat too many because they're for Grandpa May!)

And maybe take a nap. 

Or maybe read the next book on the stack "The Devil in Music" by Kate Ross.  Not so many expectations of this book as the last and so far it's good.

Happy quilting,


  1. Hey I think it looks fantastic!! And the border does not look like an afterthought at all. We all have those patterns that stump us. Go eat some cookies you advanced quilter! :) Christine

  2. Even with all the challenges, the quilt is pretty cute. I like the fresh colors! The little girl who receives it will love it no matter what.

    MMmmmmmmm, the cookies look good. If we didn't have so many sweets left over from the wedding I would make some cookies, too.

  3. The quilt is darling and you did a great job! Getting frustrated while trying to figure out the correct measurements doesn't mean anything at all! It got done - that's what counts!

  4. Sometimes I put a lot of effort into being precise with a quilt but in between those "serious" projects I try to have some that require a lot less effort. Every now and again I pick an "easy" project that turns out to be not so easy. (The flag that I am currently working on comes to mind.) So maybe this was a project that just requires a lot more effort than you might want to expend at the moment.... :) Theri

  5. I think what you came up with is great. Working patterns out without directions is always a challenge, but if anything is learned from it, then it is definatley a success;)
    MMMM...cookies;) I made peach cobbler last night and had to put it in the freezer before we ate it all;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  6. I certainly relate; I'm struggling with calculations on a pieced border for my little APQ quilt!
    I think your little project looks great! So cheerful and fresh!
    As Marsha said, some little girl will love wrapping her doll in it, and she won't be looking for points or matches at all! ---"Love"

  7. You are being too hard on yourself, Katie. I'm not sure I would have attempted it in the first place so full marks for giving it a go. It's a terrific looking quilt and will be well received. Delicious looking cookies. Lucky Grandpa May! Ann :-)

  8. I think the quilt turned out great and the border looks like it belongs. Naps and cookies. MMMMMMMMMM! Connie

  9. Your little quilt is adorable! I frequently declare it to be "no math day" in the shop when I have to calculate a lot of yardage . LOL
    Enjoy the cookies and the book, and hopefully a little nap.

  10. I looked closely, and your little quilt is lovely. I like the fresh, 'juicy' colours. There are going to be some very happy little girls this Christmas.

