
Tuesday, June 22, 2010


6/29/10:  Comments are closed.  A winner has been chosen here.

Alright folks.  I know you've been waiting.  It's finally payback giveaway!

This is my first one, so hang in there with me.  I hope for no big glitches...

First up:

Machine apron
(just like mom's)

(Sorry, machine and tools used to demonstrate not included.)

Good thing I bought way too much of that button fabric the first time, right?

Next up:

Quilter's Project Manager
(my own creation)
(seems I've got a button problem)

Ever dig through your whole purse looking for that swatch of fabric you need to match?

Ever get a chance to stop at a quilt shop unexpectedly and you don't have that swatch?

Well, then you need a Quilter's Project Manager!

Six 3x5-ish envelopes all hanging out together (compliments of some pretty ribbon) where you can stash fabrics, sketches, photos and more. 

Stash it in your purse (small enough for even me, queen of small purses) and you'll be ready for the next unexpected fabric shopping spree!

(Or you'll at least have all those swatches in one place...)

(Again, quilt sketch and fabric are for demo only.)

I'll probably tuck in a few other goodies...

How do you win?

Leave a comment on this post.

That's it.  If you want to follow me, fantastic.  If you want to tell all your friends about me, fantastic.  But really, just leaving me a comment about anything is all it takes.

I am willing to ship internationally.

I will leave this open until Tuesday, June 29th
(about 9pm eastern standard time)

I will randomly pick and post a winner when I get home from work Wednesday, June 30th.

Good luck and happy quilting!


  1. I really like your little swatch book, what a marvelous idea. I love how creative you all are. June 29th, MMMM my birthday.

  2. Button, button, who's got the button? Katie does!

    What a bright and lovely fabric the machine apron is. It will definitely brighten anyone's sewing space.

    And what a wonderful creative idea your "Quilter's Project Manager" is!

    Congrats on your give-away!


  3. Ohhh, I love all your buttons! The machine apron is so cute and the project organizer is a fantastic idea. You are so thoughtful with your giveaway! And June 29 is one grandson's and a friend's daughter's birthday, it's a great day!

  4. I love your project manager idea. It's a fantastic idea! (I get so many funny looks when I reach into my purse to grab out a pen and out come scraps of mismatched fabrics). This is certainly a great solution. Any chance you could post a tutorial of how you made it so we can make our own? And I love all the buttons. So fun!

  5. I think your goodies are great;) I wouldn't know what to do if I managed to get organized;) I would probably buy fabric, stuff it in the envelope, and then tell my hubby I had it all along;)LOL
    Anyway, have fun with your giveaway;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  6. I love the shot with the barn as a backdrop! Looks straight out of a magazine. Both projects are great- yes please! :) Christine

  7. I love your button fabric and project case!! I'm a button-aholic! I just bought a bunch more buttons at a quilt shop in McMinnville, OR - $1.50 for a cup full! Please add me to the drawing.

  8. Betcha I got more buttons than you, LOL!


  9. Thanks Katie! What a fantastic giveaway and photo. It would be great to win either of these fabulous prizes. I've got my fingers crossed. Ann :-)

  10. What wonderful give-aways! hat project manager is a great idea. I always end up at the store without my scrap for matching. Or I rememeber the scrap but not how much I need to get.

  11. Add me in! You mean there's a way to be organized with your tools? They don't have to sit in a pile by the machine? Well, Katie, I told you that your photography gets better and better...and now you're showing more. Love the Project Manager! What a clever idea. Bet some quilt shops would sell them like hot cakes! And since ALL of us can't win, I think the tutorial is a great idea too! Mary
