
Sunday, April 18, 2010

it's not my fault!

Okay, maybe it is...

I DID sew all those pieces into blocks. 
I DID sew the blocks into rows. 
And then yesterday I DID sew the rows into a whole top.

Scrap quilt #1 finished!!! 

I'm working on a #2, too....remember the grey and red one?  Still only 3 blocks there.  That box is going to fit ALL my scraps when I'm done.  I'll just keep sewing until it fits.

But this probably won't help:

My mom came down and we went to two new quilt shops.  I bought these at one, nothing at the other because I was trying to be good, but this lime green with hearts was SCREAMING at me...(tried to link you directly to the manufacturer, but they seem to think a single web address for EVERYTHING is cool, so this is a random website Google turned up for me...)

I also got these at JoAnn's because McCalls patterns were 99 cents.  They should help a little with my stash reduction, don't you think?

My mom was with me, but I think I may make that little caddy that sits under/in front of your sewing machine for Mother's day.

Speaking of my mom, yesterday was her birthday.  Happy Birthday MOM!!!  The trip to visit wasn't part of her gift, but this book was:

Beth Ferrier (the author - my flash kinda obscured her name) was the speaker at the quilt show I went to a few weeks ago.  This book looks right up my mom's alley.  And inside they have pictures of the quilts with their OWN kitties posing!  How could I pass that up?  I even had Beth sign it for me/my mom!

And I also finished my April installment of dolly quilts:

I don't really like this doll.  I found her on sale and bought her, thinking she was a good price and cute, but got home to find out she giggles (rather annoyingly, if I may say so) when you press her foot or hand.  I don't like battery-operated toys for donations.  I assume these kids are just like my nieces and nephews - if the toy comes with something run on batteries, the toy is deemed broken and discarded (if no further than to the bottom of the toybox) when the batteries run out.  We buy big packs of batteries for the kids we know, but I'll never meet the little girl who gets this doll...

I made it using the Spring Posies tutorial as a guide.  My blocks are smaller and the yo-yos sewn on a little differently, but I have to give credit for my inspiration.  It finished about 18 inches square.

Well, the groceries are bought, lunch will be quick and then I can maybe sew some today.  I'm feeling better, but have a nagging headache. 

The plan for this afternoon: more red and grey wonky stars for the 2nd scrap quilt AND working with more of the fabrics Mary sent with her exchange blocks.  Maybe a nap, too.  Yay!

Happy quilting,


  1. I just love your scrap quilt! Its so modern and the colors are really fresh. Love! Your baby quilt came out great as well. I'm sure your mom will love the book and the sewing caddy. Can't wait to see your next scrap quilt :) Christine

  2. Your blue scrap quilt turned out beautifully. What are your plans for those lovely new fabrics? Sounds like you have plenty of projects coming down the pipe.

    I'm with you about battery operated toys. I cringed every time my kids received some. They really got much more imagination out of less "techie" toys. I'm sure the doll and qult will be loved though - it's easier to attach to a doll, even minus the original giggles, than to a remote controlled whatever.

  3. Your scrap quilt is fantastic. I really love using the bright colors with black for the sashing and borders. It really makes the colors pop! Your new fabrics are great, can't wait to see what you make with them. I love the dolly quilt the little yo-yo flowers are so cute. With a nice quilt to wrap the doll in there is lots of make believe opportunities so batteries may not be missed at all. The bag pattens are great and I'm sure you Mom will be thrilled with the sewing caddy, especially since it is made by you! Enjoy your day and I hope you get to sew a lot.

  4. Well, you are clearly ahead in the scrap challenge! The blue quilt is great, but blue is a favorite in our family, so that one's an easy winner. LOVE your new fabrics! Don't know whether you've noticed the centers in my star quilt? Blue, red, brown, green and purple! You broadened my the past, it would never have been a first choice, and now it will always remind me of Katie! Your doll quilts are always adorable and a clever way to try new patterns or techniques. Theri will love those dragonflies in the border on the book cover! And Happy Birthday to your Mom! Mary

  5. Happy Birthday to your mom!!!

    Sounds like you had a fun time shopping and came home with a ton of all looks so fun and wonderful.

    You also made a darling quilt.

  6. I must admit that when I saw those first blue scappy blocks, I thought (as Ann Hermes said in her blog) "What was she thinking?" *grin* But the quilt is beautiful and unique! The baby quilt is cute too. It's easy to see you truly do enjoy your quilting! ---"Love"

  7. Katie, I read your comment on my blog about your husband's "approval" of your blue scrap quilt, and I agree with you, your quilt is "Perfect" ---really! I thought I approved the comment for publication, but I don't see it anywhere anymore! I thought there were six comments I approved, but see only four; where did the other two go??? They are no longer on my list awaiting approval either. I wish I could remember whose the other one was. Oh well!! ---"Love"

  8. Stunning quilt for one made from scraps! Your new fabrics are fabulous. If they don't fit in your stash you can send them my way. Spring Posies is so very pretty, perhaps dolly will be stunned into silence! Happy Stitching, Ann :-)

  9. I really like the way the blue quilt turned out. It's really striking and the baby quilts you make are adorable. I really like the bag pattern, your Mom will love the machine caddy. Now for your comment to me, thanks. I didn't like the instructions for the diaper bag, but I got through it OK. I think it will be easier if I make another one. A couple of years ago I made a diaper bag and quilt for my stepdaughters baby shower. That pattern was much easier and she still uses it for Katie's toys on the move. I made this one because it reminded me of my DIL. Try one of the bags, too. I love making the bags. Connie204

  10. Your scrap quilt is beautiful. I can't believe you are on to another one alredy.
    Your dolly quilt is so cute. Each new one becomes my favorite (LOL).
    I hope your headache is gone and that you are feeling 100% great.
